Y E R. 3. Epbeans, Ghap.5. 5 5 Now followeth the fecond thing , how farce we muff turne away fromvice; Let themnot be named, that is, let them be had in extreame deteftation, have nothing todoe with them, doe not fo much as name themwithout detcflingof them: So theLord fpeakes Exod. 23. t3. Isall things that I havefaiduntoyeti, be circumfpe£i, and make no.men- lionofthenames ofother Gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. Which God promifeth to worke, Hofeu2. 17. I will take away the names ofBaalimout ofher mouth, and they1/saßno more be remembredby their same. Thephrafe noting nothing but that they fhould extream- lydeteft them , and have nothing to doe with them as Hofea a4.8. What haveIto doe any morewith Idols ? faith Ephraim repenting: 0- therwife Paul fhould fin innaming them, while hedoth forbid ir. We fee then, That we muff have finne inextreame hatred,that we muff be fo farre fromdoing it, that we muffnot name it without ha- tred. Hate the verygarment that is (potted. es1bhorre that which isevil!; The Originali word fignifieth vehemently hate, orhate as hell, that which is evil!. Thus David, Inamet take the names oftheir ldelsinto mymouth. And the Hebrew (asother tongues) exprcffing finnes by words that fignifie the contrary vertue,as blafpheming Godby bleffing, doe Phew that eventhe names ofthem are tobe declined. What agree- ment can there bebetwixt light and darkneffe? Got out, feparate, touchno ancleane thing. This thereforedoth Phew us how extreamlywe fhould abhorrefin, what kinde of perfons we fhouldbe in all godlyconverfation andho. Iineffe. We fhould not abide the leaftcommunion with it , weecan- not runtoo far from it. Ifone were fuborned tokill us , or robbe us, ifwe had hint offuch a perfon,we could neverbeat quiet till we were farce enough fromhim. It rebuketh fuch las doe not onely let the name of finnes, but great finnes dwell withthem, not labouringto roote them out; like as the Gefhurires among the childrenof Ifrael, the Jebufrtes in Jerufa- lem, and others. The reafon followeth As becommethSaints. Obf. Thatour Condi- tionofbeingSaintsby calling midi move as to alholy converfation ; We are wafhed in blood , waffled with the clean waters of the Spirit, therefore wee mull have care to avoid thedefilements of the world ; New conditions require new manners. Ifwee had a garment out of whichwe got fotne ftaines with greatcorkand traváile, how carefully would we keep it from receivingnew fpots : much more muff this move us,that wehavebeeneclenfednot withfilver or gold , but with the blood ofChrift, and thofe cleane waters ofthe Spirit , and there- fore the Apoftle S. Peterfaith, that thofe that joyne notfaith , vertue, knowledge,&e. together, have forgot thewaffling Away of their fins and fanllifyingof them. We muff therefore remember our effate and labour to walkeworthyofit, titles without fubfiance arefoolifh. The Pope tolerating Stewesunderhis note , is far fromany femblance of S.Pauls fpirit. Eee 3 VERSE 4.