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586 Ephefians Chap.S. `?sR.q.. VERS. 4. Dot7. rfe. DoEI. Pray.b9.i1. ' Ili. V ER s E 4. Neitherflthinejfe, nor foolifh talking, nor jelling; which are not convenient; but rather givingof thanks. Now followeth the prohibitionofuncleanneffe in word : this verfe beingan expofitionofthe 29.verfe ofthe formerChapter. We are to confider the prohibition offpeech which endethoccafionally often in uncieannefl'e. The reafons why even all uncleanneffes, and all words occafioning it fhould be avoided; for the reafonhath reference to this verfe and that before : The prohibition is in this verfe : and firft bee expreffeth fpeechwe mutt avoid. Secondly, fpeech we mutt ufe. In the firfthe layeth downe, r. The kinds of finfull fpeech. 2. The judgement of the holy Ghoft. The firftin thefe words[neitherfiltbineffe,] that is, filthy fpeaking, and fooliJh f eaking andjelling : The fecond in thofe words, whichare thingsuncomely. r. Thenwe fee , Thatfilthyfßeakingmuff be left ofChriflians ; caft away filthy fpeaking,far evili words corrupt goodmanners ; and he that can fpeake filthy words without blushing , will commit filthy works without illamcfacedneffe. Itdoth check fuchwhole black mouths can fpeake fo broad, that nothing in the old Comedic is more beatify, and it muff teach us to be chaftly fpoken. Foolifhfpeaking.]Obf.2. We muff be voidofallfoolifh words. For the meaning ofit, in generali every wordofa (inner (whom the Scripture calleth afoolc)is foolifh,for he wanteth the true wifdomefrom above, lam. 3.17. But here he meaneth fuchwords as reafon it felfe may con- demneof folly: Now thefeare, a. Speeches tono end, idlewords : for natural! reafon telleth us, that whatfoever is fpokenor done inwifdome, muff have force good end in truth or appearance. a. Lavifh fuperfluous fpeech. v4 foole poareth out allhis heart, a wife man keepethbacke tillafterwards. 3. Rath fpeech, which a man fpeaketh before his under(landing leadeth. Is it not foolifh in a meffenger to runne without an erraad! So in the tongue to fpeak without the information of the underftan- ding. q. Abfurd inconfequent fpeech, as that, ¡judonothing in him , let wss fcourge bim andfindhim away. Common reafon would have faid, letus difmitfe him with commendation. S. Perfonall fpeeches, boafting, &c. Cor. r1.17. For the ruleof wifdome is, that anthersmouthJhouldcommendus; not oarowne. This therefore fheweth us that wee mutt avoid this kinde ofdif- courfe, not be fuch as can fpend howers in telling tales and (codes , as if we were read onely in the golden Legend. We mutt not be fuper- fluoufly fpoken, for in the multitudeofwords there will be folly; nor yet in fpeeches ofoftentation, for thefe and fuch like are palpably foolifh. 3. Wee