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Iforth that maketh us fee our unworthineffe. z. Wemuff labourtofeele the loveof God, and fee the hand of our heavenlyFather in all things; forthis is it the foule feedethon,by this it is quickened. Nowwe-are like little children that have twenty things provided for them by the provident Parent,but they take them, and throughweakneffe ofunderffanding are not able toconfiderthe care of the Parent in them. 3. We mutt get fome fenfeof the comfort and neceffuy ofour dai- ly benefits, both f pirituall and corporall,which are continued. 4. We mutt not too much lookeat thethings welack; for we are like children, who iftheywant fomeone trifle, care not for twenty other good things which might givethem content. VERSE 5. For thisyee know , that nowhoremonger , nor uncleane VERS 5. perfon, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, bath any inheritance in the kingdome ofChrifl, andofGod. Now he commethto the reafon, which fiat is fimplypropounded: Secondly, by prevention, he Both repeat it witha farther affeveration, as ifhe fhould fay ; <, You mug refraine all uncleanneffe and cove- " toufneffe, the lighter occafion ofthem, for uncleaneones (as you ,, know) and covetous ones efpecially, who are Idolaters, doe forfeit « their elate in Gods Kingdome. I know the Devill and his inßru- <, ments will prompt many things, as if this were tooforwardly fpo- <, ken, but I warne you not to be deceived, for tl?cfe things do not on- << ly deprive us ofbleffedneffe, but bring downe Gods wrath tempo- " tall and eternal! upon us. In this verfethen three things muff be marked. r. That the knowledgeofthe hurt finbringeth,is a fufficient means todiffwade from fin. a. What a filthy fin covetoufneffe is, from hence, that it is called Idolatry. 3. That thefe things defeat us ofour everlafting glorious inheri- tance in the Heavens. For the firft, the Scripturedoth teachus, That nothing will coole the Dödi; beate ofafanfullluftfooner then to confider the iffue ofit : to the fame end therefore in r Cor.6.9. he preferreth the fame confideration ; Knowye not that the unrighteous Jhall not inherit the Kingdoms ofGod ? There- foreas God bath tilled us on toobedience by promifes, fo from the beginning he bathhedged his Commandements in with threatnings, that we might not breake out to the tranfgreffionof them. Eccl.r 1.9. If Know thatfor all this thou(halt come to judgement. And this was Eves 6rßhalting mentioned on which thedevil! did worke,that fhe didnot 6rmely perfwade her felfe of the death that would enfue upon her trcfgaffe, for fhe faith, left ; teaching us, that to make the judgement threatned matter ofperadventure, it the next Repto tranfgreffe the Commandement. We fee thatifwe havea true knowledge ofharms; there followeth a decliningofthem ; as wee know Snakes will fling deadly, thereforeif wee be upon them at unawares wee leape back. _Know- E R. 5. áphefanf,Chap. 5. 5g9