S90 E'phefian.r Chap.g. VER.S. Ecclef3.i c. rfì 2. Daá. Mac.6.t;: Knowing that fire burnes we will not touch it : So if we knewnot in the letter, but fpiritually, fruitfully, affedtively that fin doth bring de- ftrudlion, we would recoile from the appearance of it.ifwe know that doing thus or thus, we forfeit abandofany momcnt,how careful! are we not to beovertaken! This doth let us fee what maketh fin fo rife, even this,that there is no powerfullremembrance of judgement: Beeaufefentence is not execu- tedjjieedily again(l an evil! work, therefore theheart ofthefannes ofmen is fee in them to doe evil It is pitiful! to fee how the world dothchange fin with fin,fuperftitious fearwith groffe fecuriry:Our forefatherswere afraidof painted fires.Wehave no confiderationoftheloffeof heaven &Godswrath which isaconfuming fire:the devil! bath made usworfe then himfelfe, for he doth beleevejudgement and tremble : this openeth a window to wickedneffe, for when the drunkard confiders not his heade-ach which followeth, or the theefthinks notthat hempgrows, no wonder ifboth run to their wickedneffe. It muff teach us our duty to labour for an effedluall knowledge of the punifhmentoffinne, that it may be a bridle to reftraine our flefh from fin: now our hearts are fenflefTe,and ifthey know, yet full of fe- cret prefumption, fo that we muff pray to God to give us flefhyhearts that we may believeand tremble. z. It is tobe marked, What a filthyfanne Covetoufneffeis. But before we confider ir, z. things muflbe opened. t. Who is a covetous man according to the Scripture. 2. Why he is an idolater aboveother (inners. For the a. thereare y. rules ofCovetoufneffe. t. He that feeketh goods withnegledl ofheavenly things,fo farre forth as he dothnegledl the things ofhis falvation , he is Covetous; look Luke I2.15 .21. Take heed andbewareofCovetoufne/fc : and v. 2 t. So is he that layethup treafure for himfelfe and is not rich towards God. And therefore Chrift telling his Difciples what kind of Peeking wealth was free from Covetoufneffe, hegivcth them this rule, Fir]l lick the kingdome of God andhis righteeufneffe; In the firfl placewith your principal! flrength, as if he Mould fay, if you chiefly leekother things, youarewrong, worldly, like the heathenthat know no greater matters. 2. He that finfullydoth make after wealthand doth hold it finful- ly, is covetous: For the firft, hedoth not alone finfullyget itthardea- leth unjuftly, that by lying ,couzening, opprefling commerb to it, as many doe, ofwhomwe may fayas Chrift doth by the covetoufneffe ofthe Pharifees,theircups areful ofrapine: but he that unbelievingly, felfe-confidently, hard-heartedly, doth follow theworld,is covetous; therefore our Saviour forbidding covetous courfes,charged his Dif- ciples not to be careful!, which isnot meant of the careof acommen- dable diligence, but ofdiftruflfull caresofthe fucceffe,which makeus unfit tocall upon God, yeato follow our butnes: So exceffive labours multiplyingoflawful! pradlices in themfelves whichdoth come from unbe-1