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59z Ephefdn,r Ghap.S. Yfe; not excufe it,for he that faith Notoa thing,but doth itafter, is abetter fervant then he that faith Yea,and never obeyeth: Thougiven money ill words,but what the loveofit doth with thee to doe,thar thou doeft, andtherefore art a fervant ofit: Fle is not a fervant ofGod that giveth God good wordsandcommeth to Church, &c but he that doth the will ofhis heavenly Father. 3. Becaufe the confidence of theheart is fet in wealth, r Tim.6.17. Charge the rich in this world that they benot high minded, or trufi in uncertaineriches, &c. The riebman can make 1eriches a tower of de. fence. Thecovetousmanfaith to the wedge ofgale','Ihots art my hope And fo farrefareforthas weare covetous , ' e have a fecrnt confidence in wealth, which we may fee if we be injureda little., we will crow from our mole hill and will think, Why, mmy theft is as well lin'das his, I hope I (hall find him play well enough : ;P we would get any thing, and and have money, why I have a filver key will otren any dore; and as a man promifethhim elfe to find his caufe ended as he isbefriended , fohe will be confident inany thing fo far ashe know - eth hebathwealth enough to bearehim out; and in this it exceedeth finewhich is not properly called idolatry. For a drunkard, though his heart be inhis cups andhe isa nave tohis gullet, .'et he bathnot truft in it. Wefee then thefe opened , that covetoufneffe is a foil thy fin; what canbe more odious then idolatryr that it isa monfter of many heads, a neaftof wickedneffe being in it, traft in our felves,dif- trufting God , hardneffe of heart,carelefneffe ofour brethren, un- mercifulncffe, fervice to the creature , nay the devill, for in thefe courfes men worfhiphim,Luke 4.6.rhar wemay fay ofacovetous man as they fay of the grounds that gold and filvergrow in, theyare fqua- lifh, fruitleffe, nothing thatis gooddochgrow in them. Wherefore let usbewarnedhence toavoid this fume; Oh it is full offpirituall harlotry! whata flume were it for a woman if her huf- band allowing her aman to goo before her, ortonne on an errand for her, fhe thould withdraw her heart from her husband and fet it on her fervante yet thus we ufe God, thefe fruitsofthe earth, which he givethus to be ferviceable to us in our pilgrimage, we fet our love onthem, our joy,hope,wirhdraw ourhearts fromGod. Again, we that are Chriftians profeffe that we are pilgrims, that our dwelling is above; why doe we then feek to fettle our felvesheree Why isnot our converfation above! Whydoe we notPeek the things where Chriff fitteth Of all other, you that are rich, it is odious in you, as adultery is in him that bath amate every way ableto content him, it isabominable: So a richtheefe; now every one fo farre forth as he is covetous is a theefe before God, isdeteftablc. Nay if you love wealth take heed, forwill not fathersdeny their children things that they fee them too much fet on f fo will Godyou : or ifhe give them,it is worfe, he will give themasthe quailes,youknow the ftory; Weareall earthly min- ded, like thewoman that could not lookup. This