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11151, V E K. Ephefans, Chap,5. T1ìs doth Incet with the gentle cenlureofmen, that if theyknow a vfe 2. man to have nootherfault, theywill fay, he is a good man, indeed worldly andneer himfelfe: but howcan he be good that is anidolater:' the fcriptureBothnot fpeak in fuch termes. Now the third thing followeth : viz. That the living in thole finnes dothforfeit our eftate in heaven; Doti, He that will hold the filthy finfull pleafures ofthis life, (hall not tafle the pleafuresof God, he that will covetoufly follow an earthly inhe- ritance, (hall not inherit Gods kingdome. But for the clearing of the words, a. things mutt be (hewed : i. What is Godskingdome t' dinrw. Such a flatebegun here and perfected in heaven wherein the chofen creature is willingly fubjefled to God, who hath all rule over him, and who is all in all to him that leadeth tohappi- neffe. i. How itis faid Chrifts kingdome;when z Cer.t5. ar. Chrift is faid togive up hiskingdome t .Anfa'. Chrift is Godand man, and hath the fame kingdome with the Fatherand the Spirit as God,the fameeternal! kingdome:As man; he hatha Kingdome by commiflion andafiignement from the Father; Allpower isgiven to me: this begun after his refurreetion, and (hall end after judgement. Now for the dottrine. Obferve hence: the li- ving in there finnes doth cut us fhort of our glorious inheritance: r: For looke at the nature of finne, it doth fight againft the foule, and bring us moreand more under the power of darkeneffe; fothat whofoever followeth flnnecannot but exclude himfelfe from Gods Kingdome. a. Again, the elate of this kingdome and inheritance is an eftate of light, Col. 1.12. brightneffe ofknowledge, purity, righ- teoufneffe, joyand peace in the holy Ghoft : this inheritance is a crownof righteoufne(fe,not of uncieanneffe,covetoufneffe.Nowthen what concord betwixt the darkeneffeoffinneand thisglorious light? 3. God is a Father that giveth this inheritance,tnd that wifely : now a wife earthly Father ifhe difcernethat fome whogot for his are bale ones, or of filth wretchleffequality that they will confume all, hewill not let them bejoynt inheritors in hiseftate. Abraham Pent out Ifmael añd the formes of Ketorab, much more will God ifhe fee that we arc a bafe defcent, that arc not begotten by him, that we are children ofthe earth, alwayescrawling in the duff, he will not give us apart in his heavenly inheritance. 4. Laffly,lookeat the qualityof them that are to inherit, theymuff be fuch as though they cannot buy it,yet in thankefulneffe and in high eftimationof the hope to which they are begotten, they muff part with allthey have, with thedeareft finnes in which they have lived; wemuff befitted for the irateof grace, Col. r. r a. who bath made ae mate to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints; they are worthy. So thatall thefe confrdered,here is no'parr, nor portion for filthycove., tous wretches. But yet I know that aworldly man thinkes thisis hard; obje£l. F ff he