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59+ Éphefians Chap.5. VER.S, he may (hthopes) haveboth, Tooke after both well enough. !tnf. Nonecan ferve two mailers, fuch as command contrary things, as God and covetoufneffe doth: God faith,Commit your wayes tome, in Philip. 4.6 Nothing be careful!, either diftruflingly, or withInch double diligence as caufeth to refl inyour own,: praétifes, looking no further: Cove- roufneffe,youcannot make things too fare. God biddeth, Ftrfl Mat, 6.;;; feeke the kingdom ofGod,LeveGod with allyour beart;Give to the ponte plentifully: Covetou(neffe injoyneth the contrary. We cannot have both;he that followeth twoHares catcheth neither: and filchwe fee that grapple coo much, let fall all. Ifheaven will not fill your hearts, takeheede you lofenot bothheaven and earth. P. Thinke now and confider whatyou do that thus moyle after earth, what good husbands you are; Are you not pennywife andpound foo- lifh, when you get a little fading fubftatwee and lofe your everlafting inheritance e What if you could get the whole world and lofeyour fouler Sothinke,whatdoe your voluptuous, uncleane delights and carnali merriments get your they put youby the delight of Angels, that fulneffeof joy in the fight of God. How like Elam you arer for pottage you part with birth- rights : thinke not this a little thing,to be flint out from Gods Paradife. Oh it will fling worfe then hell. We fee it is more irkefome to us to fee our felves Phut out for wranglers w'c,en others are taken to this or that,thento fuftaine great punifhmenr. Whatthorne then(hall this be to your eyes, when you fhall fee men that you mocked for precifeneffe, becaufe they would not fpot them. felves with your filthineffe, taken into the everlaftingkingdom-, and your felves debarred r VERSE 6,7. VERSE. 6, 7. Let noman deceiveyou with vaine words;fir becaufe ofthefe things commeth the wrath of God upon the children of difibe. dience. Be not thereforepartakers with them. Now hecommcth to goe over with the reafon againe, preventing all that falfe teachers whifpered to she contrary: the verfe layeth downe z. things : r. Themeeting with all fuch vainewords as might beare them inhand, the matter was otherwife. 2. The furtheraggravating theformer denunciation. There is nothing needeth expofition greatly: a vaine word is every word that excufeth finne, or fecureth us in regard of Gods judge- ments : the Apoftle therefore cutting downe with the !word of the Word,thefe things that liftthemfelves up againft the power of God; doth give us toconfider ofthe power of the Word,Fleb.4, r z.Ii is/har- per then a two.edgedfword,and dividethbetween tbejoynts & the marrow, and is adi ferrer of the thoughts and intents of theheart, z Cor. t o. 4. It rafts demise all high imaginations andeveryfang hold, &c. A!ain, giving warningof falfe teachers, hedothjet us that areprea- chers an example offidelity. But the things to be marked principally are thefe. r.ThatI