iV E R. 6. Ephtlians,Chap. 5. That the devillwill not ceafe toprompt is with fig things as ferve to ex cafe jïnne,andfecure MS fromjudgement though we live in finne. For the Apoftle fo circumfpe6liy preventing thefe things, doth let us know that the devill by his inftruments Bothbendh'imfelfc this way, elfe he Mould fight with his owne fhadow. Now it is agood diligence to fearch what kinde of teaching the Apoftle doth here glance át. Wee reade therefore of q. kindes of teaching that did cut the finewes of thefe denunciations. r. Of thole that tooke away future judgement, for fume faid the refarrellion mas already paffed; Tome that there was none, as the Sadduces : fo that theft held no furtherevill towaiveupon finnc then the doingofit. z. Some abated the doctrineof grace, and make it give liberty to finne, ofwhom S. Iode Ipeaketh : They turne thegrace of God into wantonneffe: as Peeing it was faith, nor our workes, therefore we needed not hectic fo much our life: Paul therefore preventeth this,faying,sball wefinne that gracemay abound? No, God_forbid. In which regard Saint lames writhis Epiftle,to thew that it is a working faith that juftifieth and favcth. 3. Some abufed the doEtrineof Chriftian liberty, as ifit gave indulgence to the lullsoftheflefh. Brethren yebave beene called unto liberty, ufe notyour liberty fer an occafon to the e g. Somedid teach amiffe touching the nature of thefe finnes, as thePharifèes, of fornication and uncleann°ffe : Some in the Churchof Corinrh, r Cer.6. 53. And no doubt there werethat did caft coverings over covetoufneffe, z Tim. 6. S. Such asfippofedgaine to begodlineffe, andde- vouredwholekips, Tit: r. r r. Now all theft weemay conceive in this fentence. . Thus the devill fhll (though not by falfe teachers Chattering do- árines, yet he) doth buzze intoour cares fpeeches to keepe us from thinking our frnnes fo odiousas theyare, and from feareofjudgemente as havewe not forne that fay, all things are as they havebeen; where is that judgement ? threatened men live long : for uncleannetfe, why,it is a fraïltie, yeares anda wife will helpe this if in youth : God is mer- cifull, didnot NoahandDavid fall a but Gods mercycalleth us to re- pent of finne, it doth not imbolden us to finne; thefe are filch frailties, that who fo liveth in themcannot pleade God. It is one thing to flip by infirmity, another thingto take our courfe in evill. So for'jefting, why, may we not be merry what them: ifa drunkard Mould pleade for his drunkenneffe, May I not drinker it were abfurd : So to make lawfull moderate mirth juftifie madneffe. God biddeth us be merry. I, andGad cloth pronounce a woeon them that laugh : May we riot thew wit yes, fo as youfcape folly. Wemeant no hurt. But you than be judged according to your Fff z workc. 595 Doll. r. x Cor.xg.xa. Judev.+ Rom. 6.1. Gal. 1.13. teer.;.;