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596 Ephefraxs, Chap5. VE R. 6, Doti. vfe. Dot`s. worke. So for covetoufheffe; may we not make our beft r mull wee not provide for thofe of our family e God loveth diligence, we muff not tempt him. All which things doe tend to fow pillowes under our elbowes and to hood -winke us, that we may neither fee finne nor judgement. Hoodedhawkes are quiet : bur know this, that God he denounceth the loffeof heaven, that thoumayft be kept from ir, the devill covereth it, that thou mayft fall into it : like ascunning huntershide their nets that the game may the cafilierbe enfnared. The a. thing is, that alltbefe thingsare vaine words. Observe, That filch thingsasdoe caft coveringover finne, acs doe hide judgement belong- ing to it, arevaine; they are fpiders webs, fandie foundations, figge- leaves, untempered mortar, they will mocke all thofe that liften to them. Wherefore take heede of them, and love that word that brings you to the fightof finne, that brings you to feare judgement; these are found wholefome words, though they fmarr, yet they are medfci- nable. For becaufe oftheft things commeth the wrath ofGod, &c.] Nowhee commeth to reiteratethe denunciationwith increafe:whereinyou have z. Theûnnescaufing. 2. The Wrath caufed. 3. The Perfons. z. Thenwe mutt marke, that thefe finnes doenot only excliadeusoat ofheaven, but procure all Godswrath temporali andeternal!: thus unclea- neffe in this life,howhath God revealed wrath from heavenagaintt it inthe old vvorld, in sodomer what fhame, poverty, fickneffe doth he purfue it with in many thatlive in it? and they(ballbone in the lake. So worldlineffe God doth pronounce often a woe on ir, and dothdisbur- den wrath manywaycs upon it. It may be considered, 2. wayes: ei- ther while it is poffefied : or when it is taken away, whether they bee taken from it,or it from them,yet furviving tobehold the vengeance. Nowwhile it is poffeffed, God doth fhew his wrath either inper- mitting adelighrfull ufe, or denying the ufe, or giving leave toufe it, but taking away the pleafureof it :forfome covetous rich men there are that live like Dives, thatfeede their hearts as in a day of {laughter, but thecurfc of God and his woe is in themidst of it; for Gods curie doth kill in as great diverfitie as poyfons, which doe not all kill . with painefull convulfions and gripings, but force by casting into a fweete fleepe, force by fo affecting the fpleene, that a man will laugh till he fall downe dead. Wecount not the frate of fat ware hap- py, becaufe we know it prepareth for the (laughter. Sometime God doth not let a man ufe that he hath, but giveth himup to fuch anevill eye, that he cannotendure to touchany thing,Eccles q. 8. Sometime helettethmen take aportion, but with fuch cares as takeaway the de- light with flingsofconlcience, as Saul; with inordinatedefire offome things they would have, as Ah,ed, who for want of Nabobs vineyard grew