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V E 6, 6pfiefian,r,Chap. 5. 597 grew fodifcontent that fell fickeof thefattens and dyed : fo Hamair, thefliffe knee of c.Atordecai did fo vex and gall him, that all his ho- nourdid himnogood; the Lord doth make all things they have, as if they were nothing : that which he giveth with one hand, he takes a- way with the other. 2. God fhewcth wrath fometimesin taking them from their wealth when they begin to fing, Hicrequiet mea. Sometime while they live, doth manywayes take their wealth from them, giving them into of- fences which doe confifcateall, and fo maketh them like fponges, lea, ving them to finfull vice, which doth fpendall,letting them undertake foolifh practices, which juftly doth wafte that which unjuftly they have gotten, and in the end letteththeir covetoufneffe and injuflice be punifhed with hell fire. Whereforethis mutt much more make us take heede ofthefe finnes this wrathof God which doth accompany them; we mutt not thinke that all (hall be well, and fay as fome fay, that heil is not fo hot as we fpeakefor, (!rile not covenants with hell : Looke Deut. 29.19. He that heareth thewords ofthis car f ,and(hall blepfe himfelfe in his heart, faying,I(hall have peace,although Iwalke according to thefubbornneffe of my heart : the Lord willnot be mercifdl tothat man. Wofull is their con- dition, doe not then hold on in thofe finswhich God doth fo threaten; Whoever hardenedhis heart againfiGodand profpered? Let no feareshold yon back,thedevil! will tell you it is a fhame todo otherwife then thou haft done, it would undoethy ettate, not to follow matters as thou haft done: thefe are foolifhfeares, be not fuch children : they if one play the bullbegger are afraid, but if one bid them put their finger into the fire or candle,theweakeneffeoftheirjudgement maketh them not afraid at this. So we like babes are afraid, there where there is no feare, and feareleffe in regardof Gods wrath which only is dread- ful!. Now the laft thing to bemarked is from this, that he faith, Gods wrath dothfall on the children ofdifobedience,(1. e.) fuchas are enemies to perfwafron, and will not be reclaimed : Whence Obferve, That it is not falling of infirmitie fometime,butan impenitent courfe in t fanne, which is fearefull, not fpicesof corruption, dwellingwith us, not flippes through frailty, but the not yielding to Gods perfwafions, the wilful! continuing in any evil!, this caufeth Gods vengeful! wrath overtakeus hereand hereafter; looke Rom. a. 5. Thou after thy hard. neffe, andheart that cannot repent, heapefl to thy felfe wrath againfi the day ofwrath. He will woundtbe hayrie fcalpe (of whom!) of him that walkethon in his mickedneffe : and NOV. I. 249 a5. this is the thing that God threat- neth, becaufe Ihave calledandyouwouldnot beare, therefore your deflra- Clion lhalt come fpeedily : For thu is that condemnation, that lightis come into the world,but men love darkeneffe, andwill notobey the light: this re- bellion is worfe then witch craft if Gods owne childrendoe finne, he will be angry and fcourge them as a father in this life, but his revers- Fff 3 ging Joh. g. 4. Doti. Joh:3:r9: sSam.rq.s3.