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598 Èphelian.r, Cham. V E R. 7, ging wrath and eternall, belongeth to impenitent coatis in wic- kedneffe. rye r. This therefore is a ground of exhortation, that we would not har- den our hearts, but while he fpeaketh heare him. Let us not be like deafeAdders, that though God charme with us,commandus, intreate us, will not be reclaimed : let not God complains of our hard hearts, nor upbraid us with hearts of Adamant, neckes of fleele; this finne is ofall other moff deadly, if we will not heare and obey : nay this ma- keth all the reftdeadly, theref( fhould not hurt us, if this werenot ad- ded. Lookeas aman that hath many difeafes, yet hash a medicine (hewed him, and a diet which will recover him, if he will take them; ifhe dye, it is not fo much his difeafes, as his wilfulneffe that doth kill him : fo we Phew you faith in Chrift, the diet of the Apoftle; z Cor.7. I. Purge from adlflthineffe, andgrow up untofullbolineffe; if you will not ufe this, difobedience doth chiefely bring your deftruétion. 2. Secondly, it doth teach us the fearefull eftate of them that doe not yeeld, whenGod in his Word doth perlwade them , and call them, to this or that duty. Wofull is our effare, what (hall become of fuchrebellious children e LookeDent, a 1.18. The Lord there com. Deut.z1.18. manded, that ifany manhad a fnne, fluobborne, and rebellious, and will net hearken unto the voyce of'his Father, that man Mould be Honed to death. What then if we be rebellious hill to theFather ofour Spirits! yet this we count no finne, to heare this or that, goe away, and never yeeld obedience, we fee it not to bean offence, which is the bigheft rebellion. YEAS. 7. Vu A s E 7. Ee net therefore companions with them- Now the Apoftle commethto a new precept bywayofdeduaion; the precept is, that We fbouldnot becompanions with them; thatis,feeing fuch judgements come downeupon there (inners, have nothing to doe with them, not onely refraining their finne, verfe xi. but not taking them to be familiar conforts to you; whichwill bring on their finne, and make you (hare in their judgement. This is not the fame with the thing tobe concluded : it is one thing not to doe finne our felves, ano- ther thing not to accompany familiarlythofe that doe ir, or tobe ac- ceffary in the finnes of others. This exhortation is urged in the verfe following from their prefent condition, which is amplified from that they had beene, from then an exhortation inferred on it, viz, that they fhould walke as the children of light, the reafon of which is interferted, and he dothdefcribe the mannerofthis converfa- tion, to the t 5. verfe. Doll. The thing then to be confidered in this verfe is,7hat we netfamiliar- ly accompany the wicked. r. To open the termes of this conclufion; the meaning is not, that we may not be in place where they are, for I Cor4.47 then we mutt goe forth of the world, nor that we may not doe com- Mar. r.47 mon curtefies towards them; Salute your enemies; northat we maynot upon Tomeoccafïon come into moreneere meetings: but that we muff not let them have our more frequent and familiar fellowfhip with them