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E R. 8. Ephefans, Chap.5. 601: deth, whenthe Apoftle faith ofthem, they weredarkneffe, he Both let us fee, What was their condition andoursby nature , wee are nothing but everywaydarknt fe,ourfelves, ourmayes, our ejotes, allwofull. There is athreefold darknefl'e: Ofignorance. Offin. Ofmifery. Now farthe firft, Howhad itbeene with thefe Ephejians,and how is it with us[ Truly they had not the Spirit ofenlightening on the eyes of their minde, they had not the Lamp oftheSanctuary, this glorious light of the Gofpell of Chrift. Now confider what a dark world were this ifthe Sun were forth of the firmament, if theeyes of men were all plucked forth : and thoughwe have the funfhinc of the Go- fpel, yet whileweare our felves we have no eye ofthe minde to fee by it, and therefore aredarkeneffe. 2. From this commeth another darknefi'e, offin, in our wils, affe- etions, words,works ; For ifthe eye bedarke , allthe body is darke like- wife, and ifthe eyeofthe minde be forth, all the powers of the foule andbody that fhould be orderedby it, cannot but be full oferror, be- ing blindly guided. g. So all of us in the third place ate full of miferies , which the Scripturecalleth darkneffe, thewrathofGod, many evils in this life, and we are all fubjeét to eternall condemnation in the life to come, which the Scripturecalleth utter darkneffe. Wherefore let us labour tocome outof this eftate,darknetfe is fear- full anduncomförtable, he that is indarkneffe knoweth not wherehe goeth, on what danger he runneth , fuch is the way of the wicked, Prov.4.19. they feenot the crookedwaits of their fin,thc judgements ofGod threaten them here and there, theygoe on and fall into them. 2. Wefeethat theft andall opts, when weare inChrif1,areenlightened, yea made lightby him r We are renewed to knowledge Wee aremade newcreatures, cleanfed from the lufts ofthe flefh. Ton that are Chrlfls have putofthefefb with the lofts ofit. Wee are fuch withwhomGod ispleafed, on whom his bright countenance fhinethhere ; Whoarebe- gotten to aneverlafling inheritance inlight, futhas never eye beheld. This therefore fhould make us bleffe God who bath calledus to fuch admirable light, and it muff warnt us to thewforth the propertie of light,that is to thine, if we be fuch as are light in the Lord. Wee have loft our Thine, our light is under fome buthell or other ; wee doe not let the fupernaturali light of grace foThine from us that beholdus. It maybe fome will fay , that they finde nothing Idle to bee true then this wefay,they are full ofdarknefl'e. Weare made light but inpart, like the Moon in thewane,not when the is in the Full ; though therefore in part wee are dark, yet we are likewife in part inlightened. Some will fay, that ifthey doe Phew forth thefe things none doth regard them, nay many will mockat them as precife andiioly. If Doti, Pf. z Corsas. Gais. Pfe.