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Ephefian.r, Chap. q. y E R.ó. Ifmen will not lookeat this to take benefit, yet we muffThine; the Sun flrineth though blinde ones cannot fee;nay,though weake lighted ones be dazled with it : So though men (boldmocke us wee muff Thine: The Moonedoth never blufh nor valle her light when a dog barketh at her; no more muff we though impure dogs fhould open, we mull: notbe Awned to Phew forth the glorious light ofgrace and of the word of God. Now for the argument, becaure youare light, therefore be not com- panionsofthem. Which dochteach us, That our condition to which weeare begotten, doth binde we from familiar converfing with the wicked, asfrom their wickednefe : new eftatedoth require new affociares as well as new manners. What agreement is there betwixt thofe that are light and thofe that are darknelfee And the Prophet lmosfaith, How can two walke together :haarenaagreed ? For this we know that the fimili- rude ofmanners is thegreateft bondof friendfhip,there cannot be any true friendfhipwhere there arc qualities altogether diflike. Wemay fee onthe contrary,this (that the wicked are in their dark- neffe) Both make them that they cannot like to company with the godly, for this feedof the Serpent doth refit} the life of Jefus Chrift, in the other. It isplaine therefore that filch as can be all one with wicked men, forget their citate ; When noble perfons will converfe withvile ones, doe they not argue that theyareof bale mind; degenerate from their nobility e And feeing becaufe wee are light , weemull not convene with thofe thatare darkneffe, it dothwarne us what kindeofcompany we mull joy ìn, even in the Saints; 411 my delight as in them : lamn com- panion toall thatfeat thee: My eyes fliallbe to them. !know no man after thefrefh, faith the bleffedApottle. Thus much for theircondition,and for the reafoning fromit. Now followeth the dutydeduced from it; walkm children oflight:] (the reafonofwhich interlacedin thenext verfe) hee doth open the mannerhow they might thus walke. a. By fearching out and pra&ifng that which is pleating to God. a. Bydecliningevill,which hathtwo degrees : r.. That they fhould not communicate in the fruideffe works ofdàrkneffe. a That they fhould reprove them. Notcommunicate in them, why e becaufe they were things that couldnot be hoaeftly named. Rebuke theta, why e becaufe they fhould thus bring the wicked toafight oftheir fin ; forlight cloth ma- nifeft things hidden, which is proved from the faying ofChrift. Now fin t for the duty, it comprehendeth two things. r: That they mull walke. a. The manner, as thechildrenoflight. He