V ER; S. Epheflanr, Chap. 5. 6oz3, He doth not fay, you arelight, now (land (till, fit you dowoe,_ bur walke, that is, beftiryour fclves,in the worksofGod. obf. That the light ofGods word, and the light ofknowledge in our minds Del. dobinde us to worke in theworkss. ofGod : Thy light ù rifen over thee, Efay 6o.i. aril andfhincoutr So, the day kapproached,:walke(faifh&,Patl.)When Rom.t3.,s God caliethus, it is to worke in his Vineyard ; Worke the works of ad. La1eurfor thefood that perifheth not. Strive reenter inat thepad Luke :3. gate. Endeavour by faithand obedience to enter into that refl. worke our your fitIvation. Give alldiligence to makeyour calling andeleoáion z ñec.,.:ó: fore. Seekefirfl Gods Kingdoms. For whenGod dotty let the Sun of Mac.6.33. righteoufnefle arife, it is fit we fhould about the bufineffeofour fou le. Wefee that thenight is dedicated to reft,and therefore God that doth order things fweetly, doth draw a curtaineof darknefle about us, as which is friendly to refl. Like a nurfe that when flit&will have her little one fleepe, clothcaft acloth over the face and every way hide the light. But when this naturalifun arifeth, then tamgoe oueto their works:. So mull we, though in the darknefleof the night we fnorted in fin, now we muff behir our felves, feting the Sun of the fpirituall world is rifen over us. Whichdoth rebuke many amongft us that are fetching naps by vfe r; broad day light, that are flothfull,and cry with the fluggard , Alittle ¡deep-it little foldingofthe armes;asfor example,We tell you,you tttuft not he covetous, not fallow theworld more then Heaven, the beanie ofknowkdge fhineth from us, and God letteth his Spirit enlighten your minds to fee that it fhouldbe fo ; yet the worldlyman faith, he mull alittle more followhismatters', till they are at that palls hede- firetb. We fay, the grace ofGod teacheth you tolive foberly , denying Tic. i.at. ungodlineffe andworldly lulls ; and God letfeth fo much light Thine in at the crevife as that you know it fhould be fo, yet a little more pleafure, (faith the voluptuous man.) Soofidle, foolifh, muchmore fcoffing, jetting mike, though theLords judgement fhine(as the light) out ofhis Word, and your confcieneesfee it, yetwe mull have leave tobe merry. Ifa man finde alight burningand nothing done byit, he putteth out the light. Take heed that fwd turne not your light into darknefle, becaufe you would not walkeby ir: We mutt be warned to labour in theworks ofGod , in quickning Yfe t; ourfaith, hope, repentance, encreafingour obedience : Nowwe mutt play the Merchants, not loyter,and thengot to buy with the foolifh Virgins, when it is too late; while the Sun fhineth it is good toply the harveft. While wee havelight, let us worke , for wee knownot how foone God may makeit night withus, whenwe cannot labour. 2. It is tobe marked that he bidddeth them , walke ad the children oflight ; which tounderftand; we muff confider howmen accuftome themfelves towalke in the day feafon. T. We feethat howfoever they be homely in thenight, yet they will have care to have their appareil fitly about them before they come forth in the day feafon. 2. They