Goq. Mac:ax.r r: Ephefla>»s, Chap.5. V fi R, g. 2. They will to their bufrneffe. 3. Theyhave care that the thing they doe in the fight of the funne, and all men, be fume ho- nett affaire, for they that arc drunkc arc fo in the night, in buds time. The theefetaketh his markeby day, where to breake in by night : the eye ofthe adulterer watcheth the twilight. He that cloth evil! hateth the light. He therefore that loveth to workeby thelight, loveth tooccu- pie himfelfe in that which is good. Thefe 3. things therefore muff be with us. r. Wemull walkedecently, putting on the armour oflight;putting on as thedell of God the graces of his Spirit,whichareboth the rai- ment and coate armour of a Chrifian foule. It is pitifull to fee how many runne about ftarke naked by day light,wee pitty itin the body, but have no compaffionofit in the foule. Again, it is fearefull to got without the wedding garment. 2. Walke bufily in workc,and be not flothfull,Let him that °is righ- te9w be more righteotes : the fluggardis anunworthy perfon. Why (land you here idle?So fee that you occupy your felves in the works oflight; if it be afhame in theface ofthe Sun to commit añlthineffe,bow much more before this glorious light of the Gofpellof Chrift and the illu- mination ofthe Spirit within you. But we have foule birds that fly now ar highnoon. V E R SE 9. (For thefruit ofthe Spirit is in allgoodneffe, andrighte- oufneffe,and truth.) Now left they thould fay, Why, though we walk accompanying fuch, following the world, pleafures, &c. may we not be the chil- drenof lighte The Apoflle therefore dothurge unto the duty from the neceffary conjunEtionof the graceofthe Spirit and the works or fruit of grace. Thisverfe (it is plaine) doth give a reafon of fome- thing in the verfebefore : Now there are two things : Theone,the conditionof the Ephef:ans. Theother,the duty. Now ifit thould ferve the former, it fhould come in thus: Marvaile not that I fayyou are light,for where the Spirit is (as you are the tem- ples ofGod by his Spirit) tyre the Spirit doth work as a fruit, the light ofgrace and holineffe: But our inherent gracesare not fo termed as fruits ofthe-Spirit : and thefruit oftheffiirit, hath oppofition to the fruitleffe works of darkneffe. Let us take it therefore as ferving to the latter,viz. that they(feeing they were light)fhould walkaschildrenof light , for (faith he) this is the nature ofdie light ofgrace, which the Spirit worketh; that it will haveworks in all goodneffeand righteouf- neffe and truth; for the word [fruit] doth molt properly note the worke, as Col.r. r o. Beingfruitful! inaigoodworks. 2. The[fpirit]here Bothnot note the holy Ghofl, but the lightofgrace wrought by the Spirit, for here was nomention ofthcholy Ghoft before,but oflighr. 2. Thegreek copies doe read the word [light.] 3. The fpirit isfo ta- ket m. 7.25. andGa1.5.22.theworksoftheftef1,,fruit of the fßirit,as Chit] anfwereth to works, fo fpirit to flefh. For