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V E R. 9. Sphefians,Chap. 5. For thenewquality (which Peter calleththedivine nature) is the tree ofright eoufneffe, and our works the fruits: We fee then, s. That where DIET, ever thegrace ofGodis,there willbe works or fruits ofgrate; and a. there willbetheparticularfruites here named. For the firft grace; as finne is a law in the unregenerate man, fo grace is a law that doth command fubjeCtion to it. Againe, it is like- ned to a leaven: toa tree which being good, cannot be fevered from the fruit: it is the lifeof God, ifyou live in the fpirit: now while the lifeofthebody is in thebody, therewill be breathing,moving, &c.So in the foule thefe cannotbe fevered, therefore he faith, ifye livein the fpirit,walkin it. Wherefore this muft be noted againft fuch as doe deceive them- yf r', felves,thinkingthey have the Spirit ofGod,butyet theyhave no fruits: It is well ifmany ofus doe not mock our felves this way,for weper- fwade ourfelves that we have theSpirit,yet no faith,no temperance,no patience,meeknefl'e,love, joy,c&c. S:cing thegrace and fruites cannot be feparate, it doth warne us, aï that we would br finites forth the u of grace , if we will affure our confciences that Gods grace is in us; if we be true trees of rightouf- nefï' e, we will belikegood trees, which though they have their win- tering, yet when the fpringcommeth that the fanne fhineth favoura. bly,then they will bud and bloffbme : fo let us, though in time of temptation grace may gather to the roote more, yet let us with the fira occafions of Gods favourfhining to us, bee ready to !hew our finites. We are like thevine in Fray, ourgrapes are fourre,or we beare nothing, anEmpty vine. It is a fearefull thing not only to be taken With ill finite, buttohave nothing but leaves andwithout good fruite; God (hall ferve us, ifwe fo continue, like the figcree, cut us downe in difpleafure. And let us nor thinks we have flood thus long, we have had no hurt yet, forthis is a token God is comming againft us; for when he had forborne the figtree three yeares, and had no fruite, then he faid not,ltbath flood thus long, let it ftand still, butbecaufe I have Keene patient thus long, and have no fruir, therefore, I will cut it Luke: ì: downe. 2. By theway from this, that workesare called [fruite, ] we may note how acceptable they are to God : for we fee how, when we plant a thing, we expect the truite long before, and accept it, and it is fweete tous, when it commeth. Forget not the workes of mercy, for with flab Neb. i;. :6. things God is well ?leafed. The ad. thing is,that theSpirit path therefruiter inparticular werkes, D. , full of allgoednef: To open them. Goodneffe is a generall Word that noteth all kinde ofvertue, compare Exed.33. t 9.with Exod.34.6. But efpecially let it note here meekeneffe, bountifulneffe, pureneffe, againft that wrath, againft the covetous with holding the finites of mercy, againft uncleanneffe; RighteouJneffe, noteth jufticein our dea- lingwith all men, again(' that covetoufneffe : Truth, either the truth !offpeech and promife, or the truth of things ; againfi the deceitful- Ggg neffc 605