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6o6 VERSE t0. Joh.7.r7. Rom. i z. z. Flay. 0.3. PCal.zr9.9. Vfe r: 2. Ephefian.r, Chap.g. V ER. Io: neffe of fumes, and vaine hopes, with which many were deceived, there being no truth in them : fo that if we have the grace of God, let us thew itin thofe things in purity, meekeneffe, if any be wife let him thew it in meekeneffe of wifedome, let us fhew it in goodneffe, that is, inbeing good to and feeking the good of others, a good man trruft be a common good in righteoufneffe andtruth. V E R SE t o. Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. Now the Apoftlefheweth howwe may walke thus, by approving what is acceptable to the Lord; the word [proving] it fignifiethto make fearch or trial!, Proveall things, t Thef..5. 2 t. Zach. t 3.9. To try as gold is tryed in thefire. z. To approve, as we allow things of which we canfay Probation efI. Now heremuff be meant fuchan approving as is by knowledgeand praélice, for elfe it is thewayof a childe of darke- neffe, to takethe teftimony in his mouth, and applaud it, and not be reformed by and live after it, and none can approve it truely nor know it, but by obedience,obeyandyou [ball knowmy doilrine is ofGod : the meaning is therefore, you fhall walke as the childrenof light if you diligently fearch out and pratlice that which is the acceptable will of God. So that here are two things to be marked. t. That we mull fearch out andget trueknowledge ofGods will, be- fore we can walke as becommeth us. 2. What muff be the marke and white that wemull fboote at, in all ourway es, even to pleafe God. For the firft,nonccanwalke as a child of light, that doth not get the knowledgeof Gods will out ofhis Word : the Apoftle thereforebe- fore he prayeth that the Celoßians might walke accordingto God,doth with them that they might be fill.d with the knowledgeof God in all wifedome and underflanding, Col. r. 9. And in the z ofEfay 3. the members of the Church fay thus.Let us geeap to the houfe ofGod,he will teach us his wayes, and we will walke in them. How (ball a young man clenfe his way ? by orderingit according tothe Word. For that whichwe doe cannot be an obedience of Faith, if we doe not know it the will of Godout of hisWord. Thofe who in a darke night will have light in their way mull follow the lanthorne : fo if we will have light in the darkeneffeof this world, we mull follow the lanthorne, even the light of Gods teftimonies. Which dothteach us what is ourduties in the whole courfe of our lives,to take the dire&ion of the Word : Men that traverfe the law will doe nothing without their learned counfell : fo wee fhould make thefe things the men of our counfell, for wee are more ig- norant in thelawof heaventhen any man canbe in the lawesof Na- tions. It dothPhew that their walking is not in the wayof the children of light, that goe byno other rulethan their owne mmdes, that runne at the very venture; for lochas fearch not theLords pleafure in all things cannot walkearight, without knowledge and acknowledging of his will, all is asnothing, neither can there be love, good intention, moti- on