üc.IOv Ephelians, Chap. 5. L arr.of the Spirit, which men. pretend; if the eyebe derkeneffe, allthe bo- n darke likewife. The zd. thing is manifeft by Scriptures and examples,Saiht Paulfit- ting downewhit it is to walk according to God, dothgive usthis rule, DA That we may labour topleafe him in off things; andRem. rz. fetting down a ttood converfation,he biddeth us provewhat is theacceptableplealìireof Gad; and thus Paul, aCor. 5.9. Iambitioufly covetwhether living here, or dying, to pleafe God; and Hezekiah, zKing.zo. 3.1 have walkedbefore thee doing that whichwas good in thy fight. But two thingsare to be asked : t. What workes they are that pleafe God. s. How our wotkcscan pleafe him.. Forthe firíi, theymuff be workes that come froma good ground, a heart purified by faith, and therefore all good workes are called fruits of the Spirit, Cal. 5. for if they came not from the grace of the Spirit, that tree of righteoufneffe, they cannot be pleafing to God, z. They muttbe for the matterof them commanded by God, clfe the Lord may fay, Who required thefe things at your, hands? 3. They mutt be done in a good manner, efpecially faithfullyand vo- luntarily,for he that willpleafe Gad mull beleeve, andGod loveth a cheers fullgiver; otherwife it is with the things we doe as with good ftuffe, which are often marred in the making. 4. Lilly, they mull be to Gods glory, or doneto thisend that God may be pleafed. Now be- ',, caufe that though we in fomc meafure doe things thus, yet our bell edcsare full of imperfe(±ion, and wethink, How fhould they pleafe God, tieing that we are fo full of weakeneffe, and cannot doe them as others doe, much leffeas wedefire ± The anfwere is, our workes pleafe by faith ónhim inwhom God is well pleafed, By faith vibell and his Sacrifices received.teflimony from God. It is.the fweete fine!! of Chrifts Sacrifice,that doth perfume our facrifices andmake them fuch with which God is well pleated, He6.13. Now this that inall ourcourfe wemutt feeke to pleafe God, loth Ale t. convince many whofe lives dóe fpread a banner of defiance againft God,they doe nothingbut that which is difpleafrngto him: Again, others doe feeke altogetherto pleafe men, as flatterers and fuch who looke toapprove themfelves only to man, who dare not looke any wayunleffe their patrons doe favour it. A third fort whobecaufe they can live without dependance,-they doenot care for others,hut arealtogether in this,topleafe themfelves: for as our love is turned from the Creator, and fet on the creature, others and our felves,fo is our pleating : But who they are that feeke topleafe others or themfelves;not feeking to pleafe God, they areno Goal.h. :, s.a4. ro: fervents of Chrifl. J Again, adoth teachus our duty, in all things to labour to pleafe Tefe 2. God;How the favouritesofprinces willlabour in allthings to doe the pleafureof their Lords; how it isdeath to them tohavethe frowneof their Soveraigne,as of t 4áfolon: Sowe fhould above all things fteke G g g 2 to boy Hat.ó.z#, .3.