60S ! Ephefians, Chap. 5. V ER,II ,uefl: aRaf.. VERSE I I. Doe. z Cor.6.:4. Jan.1.27. Rom.:;. ca. tohavethe light of Gods countenance uponus : Hee that feeketh to pleafe men is a perfeél flave, but he that feeketh to pleafe God fhall havefreedome, comfort in every thing, as David in dancing before the Arke, and it flail have recompence with God ; a cup ofwatergi- ventohim is not loft; and it (hall prove to us that the grace ofGod is inour hearts, when wee labour to pleafe him. But how may we know that in the things wee doe, wee delire to pleafeGode Three wayes. a. He that laboureth to pleafe God, will being theaélion of his fpirit as well as his body, and will bewaile the want of that which is inward as well as that which is outward,for God is a Spirit, andwidbe worfhippedin j iris : Hezekiah walking fo asto pleafe God, did walke in the uprightneffeof his heart. a. Hethat feeketh to pleafe God, will not tell in the applaufe of man,unleffe God giveteffimony to his works by his Spirit witneffing to.our fpirits that he is pleafed. g. He will be inprivate carefull as well as in publique, for his God is with him alone as well as af3'cmbledwith other; Davidwalked ac- cording to Gods heart, now he did not onelyprai e G,,d in the Con- ,gregation, but profeffed that he wouldwalke in the uprigbtneffe ofbu ,heart in the midfl of his hoop, Pfal,r o r.2. VERSE I I. vend have nofellowfhip with the unfruitful! works of darkneffe, but rasher reprove them. Now followeth how we may walke as childrenof light, bydecli- ming evil' : touching which two duties are fet down : I. That wemuff not have fellowfhip incvill. z. That we muff reprove both by deed and word, but rather re, prove them. Whichword [rather] is not fordowne as making com- parifon,but by way of correótion, not as if this were the fenfe , I would not rye you abfolurely to reprove, but rather then to commu- nicate in them, but this is the fenfe: « Ifyouwill walke as children of the light , have nothing todoe "with the unfruitful' works ofmen, corrupt and darkened in "their underftanding ; What laid I t havenofellowfhip with «them? nay rather, fee that your lives and words convince s< fuch things. Then we fee that thofe in whom there is the light ofgrace and true knowledge, muff net walke in evill works, nor communicate in them. For what agreement bath light with darkneffe ? Andthis is trae Religion, to .&eepe our(elves unfpottedofthe world. Seeing thenight is pall, and the ,day come, walke not in chambring andwantonneffe, &c. Now this bath foure branches to be opened. a. Not tohave fellowfhip in fin, is not to be anagent in finne, in whole, alone, or in part with others, neither in greater or leffer mea- fure to live in ir. z. Not to be acceffaryunto the fins ofothers : as I.By