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V E R. II. Epbe¡aans, Chap.S. 1. Byprovoking to fin, as many will ftir up luft inothers, pro voke them todrunkcnneffe, blow thecoales oftheir cho- ler,though that they themfelves will not be overtakenthefe wayes : Nowthis that we caufe another doe is our fin, and maketh us finners inworfe degree thenchore that do com- mit it; as the Devil'tecíipting our ñrft Parent , was deeper in the fin and judgement then them , for ringleaders in fin muff be ring -leaders in judgement. 2. By commanding , for he that doth command this or that, though another do it, he is thechiefe offender, thus David murdered vriah. 3. By counfeiling, as in the a Sam 13.5. Ammonsfriend iota- dab : for the Deviil hath Novices and DoCors in his fchoole, fuch arc they that can reade LeCuresof wicked. neffe. d.. By confenting, as Achab i Kings 21.19. ¡lafi thou killed and taken poffißion ? Though hehad no killed, but becaufe he contented, and could fee lezabel doe the deed, it was his finne. 5. By carelefneffetoprevent fin,forwe are not to fay as Cain, Whohathmadem our brothers keepers ? but weare to watch one over another, to confider one another, to exhort, toprovoke; for negkâ, when ..4ehan finned, all Iliad is laid toLin, loth. 7.1. and were the whole bodyof them punifhed. 6. By not rc preffcng fin when it isencred, thus Ehes childrens fin, is mmde Eller fin, I Sam. 3.13. 7. By applauding fin, Rom. 1.32. this abettingof finne doth wrap us in the guilt ofit,and makethus fubjeét to that woe, Woe tothofe that call millgood, thatfirengthen thearmesofthe wicked. 8. By not teflifying againftfin, Levìt.5. i. 3. Nor to have fel lowfhip with finbindeth us to avoidthe 4ppea- ranee ofevil, 1 Thef.5.z2. ç. It doth binde usnot only to abftainefrom it, but toturne from it withdeteftation; for he that is not againft fin , fo farre forthas he is not againft it, is with it, and thefoule hathno feet but the affeCions, 'fit will come to a thing, it willjoy in it, love it, hope, &c. If it goe from a thing, it will feare, hate, as thefe Epheftans did, who hated the Arks ofthe Nicolaitans, which it may be well,the Apoftle biddeth themhere have no fel lowfhip with: thus Davidwept rivers ofteares; Hetekiah rent his cloathes at Rabfhekaes rayling, and Lot vexed his foule. Now the ufe of this, that we that areenlightened, 'and fanCti- fied muff have no fellowfhip,&c. It doth convince fuch to be no children of light that walke in the works of darkneffeas manydo,the bottomleffepitcannotàffordmore prophane perfons then many among us ; but it doth principally check the belt ofus, whowhen we confider how muchthis doth infold,not Gg3 to life r.