óto. Ephefians Chaps. VER.AI. to have fellowshipwith the works ofdarkneffe may fee how that pitchdoth cleave tous, and begofGodpardon for our fecrer fins. vfe a. And itdoth teach us what wee muff aime at, even to !crepe our felves unfpotted by avoidingevill, the appearanceofit, by having it in deteftation : For the beamesofthe Sun, though they fhould Thine on the dunghill, yet they doe not mingle themfelves withany fiithineffe So mutt we,and Chrift hath for this purpofe prayed that we fl,auldnot betakenout ofthe world, but keptfrom evil. a. The fecond thing to be marked is, that he calleth the works o Dom darkne/re unfruitfall; which doth teach us , That thewayes of(in bring Rom.6.zr. typed to thofe that walke in them. Whatfruit haveyee in thole things Rom.ys whereofyeare now a/hamed ? Sin bringethforth fruit unto death. How can thofe that are darkneffe bring forthany good fruit t forwegather not grapes on thaws, norfigs on thiffles. To confider it more patticu- larly, thofcthat are changed are treesofrighteoufneffe, and they bring forth fruit pleating to God, fruit tomen, to themfelves. Nowon the contrary,lookeat the worksofunregenerate men, they doedifhonour God, they doe hurt theirneighbour,for fin is auniverfal I unrighteouf. neffe, every where wrongingman; and thirdly, theydoe breed them- felves all mifery in this life, thame, fickneffe, poverty, &c. and end- leffemifery in thelife to come, fo that they may well be faidunfruit- full. Vie r. Wherefore let not men thinke that their finfull courfes are good to them, profitable, full ofpleafure,for the endofthat pleafure will fling like aCockatrice, and the profit that fin bringeth (hall prove like the Mannah, Escod. r 6.20. it rotted and came to nothing. Sinne is a baited hooke, it (hews meat and covers murder. to It muff make us avoid fin as hurtfull to us ; doe withfin, as we doe with craftyBrokers, we will not talke with them, when we know we cannot fpeake but theywill haveus at advantage : So wee mull iftop our caresagainft theSiren- fongs offin, not meddle with the leaff,fee- ing the Devillufeth by little fins to bringon greater, as wood cleavers by littlewedges make way for greater. g. This confideration maymakeus never wonder atthat abundance offin, it isan unfruitfullthing, and evill weedsgrow apace and come upthick. Now the third thingfolloweth, viz. That[uch who iralke in light mullreproveandconvince thole that walke in evill. But it is a queftion what manner ofreproofe is here to be meant ; fome fay, that oncly which is in the light ofworks, not that which is made byword; their reafons are thefe. x. Brethren only owe a reproofe by word to brethren.M4.18. if thy brother offendthee, &c. a. This isbidden toall the childrenoflight ; Now to reprove is aduty to fome. 3. Itis bidden by theheathen; Now theyare dogs and fwine, therfore not to be rebuked by word. q.. Works