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V E R. IT. Ephefiana, Chap. 5. ÓII 4. Works are rebukedwith works, perfons with words. Rebuke thy brother, therefore rebuke not one out ofthe Church, tdinfa. followeth not , no more then love thy brother , therefore love no other. 2. Wemull diftinguilhof rebukes : Some are parts or preparative toccnfurc, nowchele belong not to outlawes. Some are offices of love which we onely intend for convincement,now thefe arecommon to all that goe affray. We fay that every one is bound (circumstances confidered) to this a. duty. Heathens out of fellowfhipofthe Church, arc not dogs and [wine 3, in thearid fignification, in alarge they arc, as Chrift Paid to the Ca- naaniti(h woman, but in a ftnet fenfe,he is adog that bath left his evill way, and wilfully returneth to it. Works as well as perfons are convinced with words ; underftand 4. therefore, that fach es walke .vschildren of light muff every way rehake the ways offin. Bccaufe we owe love to thofewithout, and ought to pray for them, ßaÍ°" t. and therefore by proportion ufe this or any tuch meane when it (hall be behoovefull. Notonely works, but wordsare a piece ofour Chriftian walkine. a. S.Paal refcrrech this, Phil. 2.15. Walke in the midst ofa crooked 3. generacion,not onely fhining as lights in works , but holding out the Word,viz.. asamongft your(elves, fo before them, fo far as you pro- phanc not a holy thing. Wecannot elfe have no fellowfhipwith them, for fometimenot to 4. teftife againft fin in word,maketh us acceffary to fin,Levit.5.t. Lally, the (}ate ofthemwas not as ours, that all in a family,towne 5. and nation did profeffe the fame, but one fomewbere gathered,all the refs of the houfhould without , the wife taken , the husband refuting the fellow thipofthe Church: now it is unlike that there (called to grace)could keepe fiknee in words,and teethewayes ofmen fo neere them, never labouring to convince them even by Chriflian reproofe. Such therefore as are the children of light mtft every way reprove the works of fin;thus the lives of themhave done, as Noah in his obe- dience is faid to condemne the world, David by his innocent life did convince Saal, and gainehimfelfea good teftimony from the mouth ofthat Tyrant, s Sam.24.18. So th,e Apoftle faith, that to doegood inftead of evil(, it convinceth attd maketh the enemies of grace to blufh, it heapeth coales on their heads, maketh their cheekes glow with penitent flume : For the truth, and fo everyvenue doth thew it fel'e and deteâ the contrary, and Chriftians mua in wordreprove, Levit. 59.17. when it is fit, in mecknetfe, wifdome and love. Now this doth thew us howwe mufflabour towalke, viz. letting yfe t. grace fo(hineout inour courfe that the wicked may fee thewicked- ncffeof their wayes: W uldyou knowhow t Ifyou livewith thofe that arecovetous,riamafi haveyour converfatiot;rithoorcovesonft eOe. Heb,,$; Seeke