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Ephefia>ha, Chap,S. VVE R. II. Jeeke heavenly things, and you have rebuked them : ifyou arc among(} thofe that arc intemperate, you muffufe fobriery : ifyou be with thofe whole tongues are ever running idlely,you muff keepe filence,or fpcak the words ofwifedome: ifyou metewith a furious man, ufe meeke. nell'e; if with merry companions, keepe but your countenance with Chriftian gravity, and they are checked : and if you will walke as children of light, you muff fometime convince in word the evill you fee inmen: If you fhould fee a beaft firaying, would you not fet it right! if a blind man miffing his way, would you not warne him! will you leemen in the broad way to deffrudion, and ever keepe fflence It doth reprove our walking as not in light, when wicked ones can take pieafure inus, andwithno better companions; for if our waycs were not like theirs, it would fo fling them that they would not indure us,but our deedesare like theirs, and our white livers, wharfoever we fee and heare, dare fay nothing : we thinke fometime the perfons have no reafon,cannot conceive if we fhould tell. Sometime, what is it to us ! we (hall anfwere for our felves, what thouldweprocure our felves caufeleffe hatred, we fhould but make themworfe; with lookingat fuch clouds and wind, we neither fow norreape. Thefe are reafons which lacke of love breedeth : for who ever, when any member of the body is amiffe, heard the head fay,Why, let it looke toit felfe, peradventure you fhall but hurt it, let it alone; Ifhould make my felfc unneceffáry, trouble the fellow member of that body. Or if we doe fpeake, rt is in fuch a merry carelelfe fort, that it nothingmoveth, and therefore they are well pleafed in us. Nay whereour lives fhould reprove the carnal! fort, now they can juffifïe themfelves from our prefidents. If one would be proud,Looke at Inch men, they let their children goe thus or thus : if voluptuous, Such a manwould havebeen as merry asncede to be. Our lives which fhould ferret them from their darke corners, are become burrowes which they take for their flicker. Itletteth us feewhat maketh this great fray in the world betwixt Gods children and worldly ones, they nickename thefe, perfecute them fo farse as theydare, Why ! becaufe that thelivesof the god - ly doe controule them, this is it that breedeth thehatred, great eftran- ment; for foChrift teacheth,roh. 3. ao. Every one that doth evil!, hateth the light;Why cannot the wicked endure the light! it reproveth his workes; this maketh him hate the godly, a wicked manwill have no acquaintance withhim: A[cornerhateth him that reproveth him, he will not come to the companyof the wife, Efay 29. az. Thepeople mould &lost one in compafeof Lorafor a wordofrebuke. Let none rebuke,(faith llefea) this people es as they that rebell again(! the Priefi : this reproofc that the life doth give, made Cain fo hate t..lbea, that he could not ceafstill he had flabbed him; Saint John faith, thecaufe was, becaufe Abele vrorkes werebetter then his; for light dothfo rub the galls of their