yE R. IL. Ephefians,Chap.5. 613 theirconfciences, that they cannot but fling out; this checks being as painful( to their fettered foules, asthe riftingof foarcs is toa wounded body, in which men often cannot hold patience. VERSE i z. Forit is afbame even to fpeake ofthole things which are done ofthem in fecret. Now followeththe reafonwhy we mutt haveno fcllow(hip with them : that which is fhamefull to fpeake,muft much leffc be done:The words are'eafie, oncly [in fecret] here fignifyeth out of fight of all, having none prefent they needs tocare for; Two thingsare here tobe marked. That Chriffians muff (hewa holy fhamefacednetfe in their fpeech; the Apoflle (as blufhing)doth decline the very nameofvices inwhich the heathen lived : there is aholyba(hfulneffewhich doth not become women and children onely, but all of us, Heb. ta. 28. Let ea have grace with reverence, that is, with bathfulneffe, and (care to plea him: Now this vertueas in aCìion, fo in fpeech, it doth thew it felfe, caufing usname unhonefk things, things that are but uncleanly(though with- out moral! difhonefty) decently; as the matter ofeafement, the Scrip- ture calleth it the coveringthe fette, the mutual) benevolence betwixt men and women, knowingone another, fo notorious things, as blafphe- wing, is intimated by the contrary word of bleffing. So fometimes it fheweth it felfein concealments, ashere it makeththeir finnesdumbe matters, that were not to be named amongft Chrillians. Which doth rebuke that (hamelefnef(e in many who can fpeake, Yf r: nay doe things never fo broad, without blufhing, ofwhom wee may truely fay, Voydof fhame, voyd of grace. It Both teachus, that we muff (hew modeflie in our fpeech, and us Minifters efpecially; we mutt not in reproving finne, take the liberty of the fage rather then the Pulpit,in thedeciphering of it, defiling our owne tongues, offending the cares of others, and teaching men fur- ther knackes in finne, which we labour to fuppre(fe. Yet though we are bound alwayes to this modeftie, we muff not thinkc that it doth alwayes tyeus to paffe thenames of finne with filence; for the dumbe finne in this place named, Saint Paul doth name to the Remanes, They left the aft ofthe women,¿c.Know yenot that buggerers'ball net enter in- to the kingdomofGod. Forwhere never fo filthy fin takethplace, there it mutt be named, neither can they be offended at the namingof it that live under the ftenchof the thing it felfe; neither can the naming there teach finne, where it is too frequently praCifed alreadie. Men muff be fo indulgent that they mutt not regard the ignorant V niceneffe of many, who cannot endurefuch things uttered,as the text of Scripture it felfe doth not abhorre from. Marke from this verfe, what is thegeeifeofevilldoers, they love fe- DeE1.z: crecie, and tomake all bid, before theygee about their bufneffe. Sinne lo- veth corners, John 3. Zr : He that lovetb evill, hatetb the light : a man that is about any open evil( laboureth tohide hiinfelfe from God, his Towne confcience and theprefence ofmen. The Atheifine in the heart (hut- Dol. a;. a.