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Ephefians Chap.5. VER.tZ. fhutteth out any ferious confiderationof Gods pretence, Pfal. r o. 11. He hash fayd his heart, Godbathforgotten, he hieletb his face, he mill never fee it, Job 22. 13. How Beth God know ? can he judge through the darke'cloud ?, Again, a manby finning against the light of his confcience, Both laththe eyeof is ftone-blind , and for men he will avoyd their pre- . fencewell enough, if they be fuch, that be fufpecteth any reproofe from them : thus the practices againft Magiftrates, how fecretly arc they carried r plots ofmurder, like Cain, he got his brother into the field alone. OfAdultery and theft, both in fecret, lob 24. 14.15. Of falle witneffing, for thefe tale- bearers (that like pedlers walke with their merchandize) they will tell you athing, but you (hall promife them to fav nothing. prov. 1. 11. For betides that many finnescould not withoutfecrecie takeeffect, (for in vaine is the netfpread, which thefotok difcerneth) and that many aredangerous, all finne hath fhame, and feareof ir, for a companion. Again, fanners would finne with delight to themfelves, which they cannot doe tillthe coati be Beare, that there is none to controule them. And this is the propertie offinners,about any thing that is evill, unleffeit be masked with appearance of good, or unlcff'e they bee growne toSodome like impudencie, that they have brazen foreheads and harlots faces, norcaring what theydoe. Ile 1. Thewhich practife letteth us fee the folly of (inners, for they think all lure, and none feeth them when they dauncein a net, feene of God alwayes,(for Ihall not he that giveth theean eye and difcerning fpirit, feet') and oft ofmen : Butyou that thinks all well if no man fee you, what a madneffe is this inyour what a foolifh thee fe were that, who hiding a thing from his feilowes, fhould thinks all well though the Judge kok<don him! Woe to them that lay, none teethus, and play Allhid thus,Efay ;9 15 .Woe to them thatfeekedeepeto hide theircoupjell from the Lord., and their workes are in the darke, and they fay, Who teeth us ? andwhoknoweth me? Every thing fecret fhallbe manifefied. Yfe2. Tt Both give us occafron, Peeing that finfull workes love fecrecie, to fufpeét thc'ferhings, which wedare not doe nor fpeake,but in fecret. We areabout chings,iffucha onecome, all under board ;though there maybe a fecrecie in preventing offence,yet this, that commeth with a(name, that fuch and filch should take us napping, doth trftifie that we are ill occupied, or condemnour felves in that we doe : fo thole words that we will not fpeake, unleffe one will faynothing, they are comna.,nly finfull words : the righteousman is in his way bold asa Lyon, he fecketh not to fhrowd himfelfe in fuch clouds of darke- neffe. Vsats.13. VERSE r3. But all thingsthat are reproved, are mademanifefi by the light : for wbatfoeverdoch make manifef is light. Nowhe fheweth whywe fhould reprove themfar al thingswhen they are reproved,are made manifefi; for the nature oflight is to make things manifeft, or that which ii7rákeththings manifeft is light.Obferve then, What