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V E R. 13. Ephefian.r, fC:hap,5. 615 Whatfruite it bath to witne/fe againfl evillin word and deede, it brin_ geth men to thefight of theirfnne, or maketh a difcovery offinne, which ù aflep to salvation : the power of reproofe is fet downe, a Cor. rq. 25. and solomoncalleth reprehenfion, a thing that giveth life, Prov. 15. 3 r . Theeare that heareth thereproofe oflife, abideth among the wife. Foran holy life, fuch is the power of it, that it driveth frnners to ad- miration, and gaineth them without theword, convincing them that they are Man evill way, and making them feethat which is accepta- ble. This is agreat benefit, for finnes difcovered are not fo dange- rous, as rockes, whichhang like mountaines before the Mariners,are not fo fcarcfull as thofe which lye fo covered with (hallow waters that they cannot be difcerned. Thewhich fhouldmake us in love with thofe things tobee every way reproved, we love them that doe launce us and bind us fome- time, and giveus ficke phyficke, and count it mercy in them : So we fhould count thofe things even to be reproved,mercy, for it is helpefull to the fouls : we fhould delight in their companies that we may finde it. The tare that heareth reproofebringing life, will lodge with thepru- dent. And it mull make us, if we would have thofe we live with , fee their evill,that they may returneand be faved, we mull fo live and fo fpeake that their courfe maybe reproved : if you fhould fpic difeafes deadly, growing on your wives or children, fhould you not tell them, you fhould murder them : foyou fhall be foule- flayers, if you doe not open fuch difeafes in their foules , the end whereof will be de- ftruétion. Doe not for your cafe in the flefh partake in their finnes, faying, there will be no quiet elfe; this is to drawa curtaine, that they fhall never fee what hearts they have, till there be no place for me- dicine. For that which Both make things manifefi is light.] the reafon why we wereto reprove went before: now followeth the proofe of either thingfct downe.. r. Of the Iatter,that they are manifeftedof light. 2. Of this, that this light fhinethby meanes of reproofe,: The latter is proved from the natureof that which muff make ma- nifefl, it muff be light : the former is proved thus, that God himfelfe by paling reproofe, loth let the light of Chrifl Thine to us, therefore reproofe bath light going with it, whereby thingsare manifefted. The firft doth let us fee, What is the nature of light, whether ofgood example or deClrineit cloth reveale the things where it commeth,whichbe- fore are hidden. For light doth not onelycomfort, the lightof the eye the rejoycing of the heart, nor direël,but maketh difcoveryofthings which in darkeneffe are not difcerned, as if there were twenty things ina darke corner, whichone could not fee, bring a candle, all are dif- cerned : fo the darke corner of the confcience which is darks and fluttifh, bring the light of the Word, of aholyconverfation to Ihineto it, and the fecret filthineffeswill be manifefted. Why Doti, fife a: Provag:;% Y¡ci: Dog;