616 Ephefian.r, Chap. S. V E R,14. gteft. Why then doe many remainewithout light e .ilnf. r. All wicked ones arenot without light, but forehave fo far light, that they are condemned in their confciences. a Many remaine blinde, becaufe theykeep their eyes Phut and will not fcc by the light. Yfe.1 This doth thew the cattle why the wicked dofo malignethe light, becaufe it is a tel-tale, which telleth their confciences fuch things they would not heare. z: And why the godly doe rcjoyce in it,becaufe that their worksare not checked, but manifefted to their praifc,zoh.3.ai. He that doth truth, commeth to thelight, that his deeds may bee made manifefl that they are wrought in God. VERA I 4. VERSE 14. Wherefore hefaith, Awake thou thatfleepefl anddrip from the dead, and Chriflfhallgive thee light. The fummeof this verfe is, an exhortation with a reafon ; and the fcope ofit is, tocall us from our fleep anddeath, to partake in the light and lifeofJefus Chrift. But the coherence and words arefull of dif- ficulty : The coherence is taken three wayes. r. That the Apoflledoth here prove out of the Old Teftament, that they who arelight in the Lord, muff walke as children of the light : But then the Apoftle would have toldus what Chrift had done for them, not what he would doe. 2. Some refer itto this , that light maketh things manifefl: But then what needeth theApoflle bring out this forme offolemne reproofe, if he would thew that Chrift whois the true light did make things ma- nifefl. 3. Thebell reference ofthis [wherefore] is to the matter ofthe verfe before going : Reproofe hath going with it manifeftation , therefore reprove. How is this proved ! Godhimfelfe rebuketh the world of fin, and with palling reproofe,doth fend light forth. Now for the words: r. Wemutt feckewho,and how hefpeaketh. a. What is meant by [(leep] and [death.] 3.What is the difference betwixt [awake] and [arife.]For the firft,verfe r o. What isacceptable unto theLord,[he faith,]Heanfwereth, ir can be conceived but foute wayes. r. Either in tome expreffe Scripture, which it is not found in by perfonall fpeech before this not recorded: as Ails 20.35. Chrift faid, It is better to givethen take. a. But this is not tobe granted, becaufe thematter of this is every where written,it being the fumme of the Gofpell, Repentancefrom dead works, andfaith on Chrifl. 3. By affiftance, as vll7s 17.30. God now admoni fheth every one to repent, he whole fpirit rather fpake in them, as Chrift faith, then they themfelves. Or q. All abroad,not in any one place of the Scripture written : and either of three fenfes is fafely taken. 2. [Sleep] and [death] lignifie one thing(viz.) the fpirituall fieep, which