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618 Epbefialnf Chap,S, blinde, and naked. So naturali men thinkc that all is well with them, and have dreames of golden mountaines,when they aremoft miferable. 2. In the godly it doth; r. Shew it felfe in cooling their graces, this is a peale to bed=as to- ward night a damp cotnmethupon the fpirits, they lofe that atfivity they had, and this is a forerunneroffleepe. a. It maketh themnappe in lulls, fometime they nod into wrath, intemperalncie,covctoufneffe, &c. and that either of infirmity daily, which is rather awinking then flceping, or ofprefumption, as .'avid, which maketh the fleepof more continuance. 3. Ifthe Dcvilicannot thus rockus afleepe, yet he willget us nap- pingin unfruitful flea. q. Ifwe look toward God,he will get us rejourne it, and be full of dilatorypleas. S. Ifwewil fet on doing things,he wil caufe usdocoldly with in. devotion, like men that do things, and give antwers when their hearts are arleepewithin them ; as the (tun-brought Chr: but en her bed, Ca,3tir. 3. which noteth not her diligence, but drowfineffe in fceking, as theevent fheweth : for the devill will rather play any game then fhut out with us. How for the caufe in the unregenerate, it is their raigning fin which doth caufe a totali obllrufkioh ofthe fpirit, of fettle and motion : In thegodly, it is the reliques offiefh which lullagainf} the Spirit, G4.5; and draw us to intermedie too far, and fill our felves with the profits and pleafures ofthis world. For theScripture coupleth fobriery and watchfulneffe ; So thisrepletion caufeth fleepineffe, as in the body, when the belly is full the boneswould be at refi. This thereforemay convinceus, how that all ofus are fleepers , if bibs fhould bebroughtin, none of us would be forth : which doth let us fee, a. Howdangerous our eftate is that fleepe compered with chainsand enemiesthat fecke to devoure us. s. Howhelpleffe the naturali man is , that he hath nopower tohelp himfelfe, no more then one can call himfelfe from death to life. Why doth God then bid us awake and (land up r. Beeaufehe may 5 I may aske that which is owing meeofa ban- querupt, a. Godspriviledge is tocall the things that are not as ifthey were, his word isa creating word. 3. Becaufe thoughwe cannot ofour felves, yet whenhis effeluall call commeth to the heart , wee can awake and nand up; as ifone fhould bring fire and bellòwes and blowat a bundle offlicks, andfay Burne, though they havenopower ofrhemfelves, yet foboneas this is done they can doe it So the coale of grace, beingblowne upby the Spirit,breaketh out intoa flame. z. it,