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V E R. Ephefian.r, Chap.5.. 60, It lettcthas fee that wee need not wonder that finners cangoe on Yfe z. fo contentedly , for fleeping is an eafie trade , but the end of it is death,men ftungofAfpcs andofthe Serpent, both fleep,but to death both. For the fecond, This is our duty to awakeandrifeup. For this, Gods Doll; Commandement bindethall thofe that have lived in impenitency and fpirituall death : nowGodadmonifheth to repent, though he fay not come up Lazarus, yet that in ¡oh.5.25. is true, he fpeaketh to finners that ftinke in the deathof finne, and they rife andlive : And forus that arehis ownechildren , hee calleth at our doorc likewife, Cant. z. r O. Rife up my love , and Cant. 5. 6. I rafe up to open to my beloved, &c. Revel. 3. 2. Bewatchful and firengthen the things that areready to dye. Ifundat thedoore and knock, ifany man bearemy voice and open thedoore,&c. But one may aske what this dutydothinfold e oe r. That we break off our finby repentance, for the matterof fleep j it is this repletionof loft. 2. Wemuff get grace, fpirituall fenfes and powerofgrace, which dothmake us fit to worke the worksofGod:thus innaturali awaking. s. Thematter of fleepis diffolved. 2. The fenfes and power to move doth returne into the members, this order is let downe, 2.7im. 2. 2 5, z6. Godgiveth repentance. 2. Mendo ávavntHV, awake out oftheir drun- ken fleepe. 3. Men muff exercife thefe graces, bring their. faith , make it lay hold on the promifes, r Tim.6.1z. Fight the good fight offaith, lad holdoneternalllife; bring the eyeof hope , ma>'e it fiat be in heaven, whence commeth their helpe: Look for the accomplifhment ofGods words, as the watchmen dofor the dawning; exercife the careof the heart, and fay, SpeakLord, thy fervant heareth; Shew the diligenceof love in the workofit, 12-he f1.3. till men come to this they are not well awake; as a man that lieth Itretching and turning in his bed, Prov.6. ro. is (till a fleepie fluggard till hehath awaked himfelfe,got up, fetled his cloathes, and let his hand to fomething : Blow up thegrace ofGod, ITim.i.6. ...iwakc andflo-engshen that which isready t. dye; and S.Peter faith,that Rcve1.;.1. thofe in praélifemuff jaynefaith, vertue, knowledge, &c. that will bee s Pet.t.t.s. kept from idleneffe and unfruitfulneffe, whicharebranches offpiritu- all flumber. 4. Laftty, we muff watch againft fleepineffe, z Pet.5.8. s Thef.5.6. Befides the phrafefignifiethan exciting to the prompt and confiant performanceofanything. Now then we mutt be exhortedto (hake offour flamber, if God vA fhouldcall the bits , who fhould not bee in for fleeping , fometimes winking inunfruitfulneffe, fometimes napping in lufis through weak. neffe, fometime without life and power. Now let us confider how odious it is to God, asvineger to the teeth, or as fmoake tothe eyes : Curfid is be that cloth thework of the Lord flothfuly. How hurtful' to ourfelves, for that which is halting will quite goe forth , if it be not gob.x j Hh h z refor-