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nw 62,0 Ephefians, Chap. y. V E R. 15. DOC# Reíf.a s: ti 3, VERS! iS. reformed. 'What paines we take for thethings ofthis earth a What comfort it is when our confcience can give us teflimony offtriving, though with much difcomfort r Say therefore, Lord draw me and I will follow, thinke that fpoken ofGod, Seeke my face, fay, Lordt will feeke thy face. Now followeth the third , viz. That this muff move us , becaufe Chrifi with helpful!grace is prefect, andwillmake himfelfe knomne tosus. Repent,for the kingdomeofheaven io at hand, Chrift the c titelchizLedeck, who will by hisSpirit freeyou frombondage, and bleffe you with righteoufneffe,peaceand joyisarhand; i knock,open; why,lfany open, 1 will come in andfopwith him, And firft this reafondoth perfwadeus by the equityof it ; for is it not meetthat if the King of glory give warning of his prcfence and being withus, we fhould open to receive him e From thepoffibilityofit;for this dothThewus where is our flrength todoe that which weare called on, Chrifi fhadgive light. From the profitand pleafure of it; for this is a briefe that infoldeth all, betides to have Gnd life the light of his countenance upon us, Numb.6. Pfal.4. Lerallift up the light ofthy countenance onme. This elaufc doth open three things. z. That men who will not awake, are now without excufe, guilty of their owne deflruélion : for as if one had a Le- thargie, if I fhould fay, Be whole, fucha one will certain- ly beakyou, ifthey wouldnot go to the Phyfitian who is ableand willing to heale them, do they not call on them- felves wilful( deftruâion 2. Thisletteth us fee how great indignity weeprofer unto Chrift, for hebiddethusawake, telleth us hee will helpe us, and come and dwell inour hearts ; wee like Nabals, will not yeild him entertainment , will not comeforth of warmeneafts, this is the ftateofGods people,Cant. . Nowwhat difloyaltie were it if the King fhould bid men prepare, he would be with them at fuch a time, andmen Mould fleepe , taking no notice of his gracious warning? Somuch more iftheKing ofglory, theLordJefus Chrift callon us,and wee1hll fnort or(lumber, put our felves in no readineffe toentertaine him. 3. It lettethus fee where is all our help and fufficiency,inthis that Chrift will doe, Awake,Chriflfindgiveyou light. We feeleflumber, it maketh us wee cannot fee, heare, tafte, flothfull, wee cannot goe in the way of the Cornmande- meats :Whereis our help ! Chrift is the light and life,that quickning Spirit, he is the eyeofthe blinde, the footeof the lame; he maketh the lame leape like a Hinde, andgi- veth eyes, openeth eares,&c. VE R SE IN. Takeheede therefore that ye walke airciafpec7ly, not a !ivies, butas wife. Nowt