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E R.15. ephefianJ,Chap. 5. 62i i Now the Apoftle commeth to a newprecept : theconneâion ofit is to be marked,in the word[wherefore,]which efpecially bath reference to that [partake not with them, but rebuke them rather;] for this pre- cept is the way to performe that : The matter which firft is fet downe, Walke circumfpel7ly , (i, e. ) exallly , accurately. 2. Is either c xpounded,walke as wife men fhouldwalk ; oramplified, as I take it, firft from the reafon binding to it, for this particle [as] (like to the Hebrew) doth not alwayes make comparifon, but fome- time render a reafon : a. leisamplified from an effet that teflifieth of a circumfpet converfation, redeeming the time ; that is, forgoing any thing, rather then letting goe an occafon of well doing, which bath his reafon ferdowne,becaufe thedayes are evil!: 3. He doth am- plifie this walkecircum!pellyfrom the meane of attaining ir, which is the knowledge of G ids will rcvcaled in his Word. Now firft we fee, What is the duty of usall, to be precife and careful! in our whole converfation, Walke exaólly; we muff not live wittingly in any kinde of evil!, any degrees, any occafions, any appearances,. but asthe Lord fpeaketh, follow him exaEtly, neither turning tothe right hand nor left : thus Paul walked exaäly, as he wirneffeth of himfelfe, s t6, 24.16. r have endeavored alwayes to keepe a cletre con- feience bothbefore Gedandbefore men : thus Zacharie and Elifabethwal- ked inall the Commandementsof Godwithout reproofe, Luke 1.6, For that, mutt needes be exabt, which all of it mutt be drawn by line and rule, as the lives of Chriftians mutt : Somany as walk after this rule, Galas. 6. Now it doth infold three things : r. That we walke avoiding every cxtremitie (both the tight and left ;) for this circumfpeétion doth keep us, that wee fall not intoone vicewhile we flyeanother. 2. Walking cauteloufly, that we be not deceived with falfe colours, for the devil doth fometime dye vice in the co- leur ofvenue. 3. Walking providently, for he that walketh circumfpedily mull be double faced, he mutt not onely fee the things prefect, but have eyes behind, eyes to looke before him, toprocure and provide good things,to prevent evil!, im- pediments to good. And there is great reafonwhy Chriftians fhould walk thus exaEtly : The way they are towalke in, it is a ftraite way, ftcepe, having fearefull downefalls, narrow : Such as have feenenarrow,dangerous, cliffiewayes, may conceive the comparifor. Again, if one fhould walkeamongftnetsand fnares, had he not neede of circu*ifpedtion Nowwhat is this world, but a place full of limetwigges which thede- vil layeth,that he might bringus todeftrubtion. Ourowneflates;weareheticall perfons,alwayes more or leffe in an ague; now little errors in fuch perfons breed great hurts at diftempers: So finifwe begin with Iknow not the man,it will come to forfwearing. Circumfpedion is required in regardofothers,that they who watch H h h 3 our Don.