ózz Ephefians Chapa. VER.iy. our halting may have nothing againft us, that we may offend none: for our livesand words muff give a rebuke : now ifour felves be un- circumfpea we (hall quickly be taken,and lime from them, Phyftian beate thy (dfe. Rego, 4. Again, we muff give no offence: Cel. ç. 5. Walke wifely toward them that arewithout. n Cor. n o. 3a. Give no offence neither to kw nor Gentile, nor the Churchof God. Lambes among wolves howling, had needs tobe circumfpe&. ? eajon s, In regardofour God, as vvtofes in Deut. exhorteth, walke in hra Commandments,goe neither to theright hand nor left, your hodis a jea- lous God. a confuming fire. Yfe z. Thistherefore doth rebuke fuch as thinke men that are any thing araire, why they are more curious then neederh, as doe openly en. veigh againft a Chriftian precifeneffe; who can cite their Scripture,! Be net too wife, be not overjolt,&c. but though ftraining gnats and fwal. lowing camells benaught, yet thereis no precifeneffe too much, in dying to finne. Such as walke at rovers, even as it hitteth, fuch as can fwallow foule firmes, and have no fenfeof them, as unfruirfulnefie, deadneffe, Tufts of intemperance, fits of choler, &c. and thofe that count this a yoake intolerable. Doll. The fecond thingto be marked is, That precifneffe inour lives is a fruiteof truewifedome; Walkeexa6llyaswife (faith the Apofile;)ifthe Deut. 4. t,o. heathen fhould give the verdi&,rhis would prove a t:uth. t havetangbt you fixatesand judgements, even as the Lord my God commanded me, .keepe therefore anddoe them,for this is yourni fdîme : And Solomon eve- rywhere, dothmake this the properne of a wife man, to fool, etohis Prev.16.=r. wayes : The wifedomeofthe prudent is to tonderflandhis nay. Ifwe look toparticulars, we Thal) finde that wifedome Bothorder the wholeman. The kart, Prev. a;. 19. Be wife andguide thy heart inthe way. The thoughts, wifedome will not let the miede give place to idle ones, it will nor let us thinke of our fclves as wife; A fade is wifein his fume eyes. Thepower of reelfon, judgement, memory are all guided by this. So remembrance it fclfe. TheWerds are ordered bywifedome, The heart ofehewife, teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lippes. ThegeJlsorea, Prov. z7. aq.. Wifedome is beforehim that bath underfia s. ding. Concerning this wifedome we will Phew two things: z. What it is. m. What arc the fpeciall fruites, that teflifieof it; and fo make Ilkofthedoárine. Wifedome is a light in man, The wife mans eyes are in his bead, fetchnodirea?etbusin our way es, Ecclef. zo. Io. Jam. 3. I ;. Ifany. be' wife?lot himlbew out of agood conveyfation. hisworks with meekeneffe ofj wilidonee $; It dothaâc l us, fomove the will that it doth follow, for Chrift maketh