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V .ER.16. Eplyeftant, Chap. 5. maketh no true wifedome to be without doingsHe that doth ray words, Iwill liken him toawife Mall ; and wifedome is the Counfellor ofState. which is obeyed in that fheadvifeth, for it hath, firft knowledge; fe- condly, fweeteneffe; as knowledge itdirceleth, as fwcete to thefoule, is affe&cth. This is themolt proper worketo dire all the vertues,ta- citurnitie, patience, fobrietie, courage, all are ordered by this. For the Imites which teftifie of it. It maketh one teachabk,a foole will delpifethe wifedomeofwords, ifone doefmile or chafe nothing will linke withhim : fo a wife man will inclinehis care and be teachable. It maketh theheart to fare in profperirieand in adverfrtie : profpe- ride, becaufe that extreame good health is tickle and dangerous: ad- verfitie, fo farre as to hide himfelfefrom the ftorme, Prov. 22. 3. vs prudent manfnrefeeth themid, andhideth himfelfe; but the ftmple paffe onandare punifhed. A foolc is full of fecuritie, a word fufficcch the wife. Itdoth make the heart relifh things to the flefhgrievous : Ece1.7.4. 4foam heart loves todwell in merriment. It will makeus make fureworke with God,Met. 7.2445. He builds his bau f en the rocke, &e. He will provide for the time to come, for that enduring fubftance, Luke16.3, 4. chis was the wifedome of the unrighteous fteward. Which doth reprove many as unwife, for if wifedome be to bee meafuredby the converfation, wefhall find it true, that the greateft clarke is not the wifeft man; we mutt not thinke that knowledge of the letter isenough to wifedome, nay it argueth us more foolifh when it is not praétifed; if there were no ridingaway, wherethey were lure both to be robbed,rhe oneheedlefly ignotant,the other well knowing ofir,whowere molt foolithe And we mayfeeall of us whenwe come fofhort in our converfationofthat weknow, how faire fhort we areof true wifedome: This muff moveus to feeke wifedome, feeing that we cannot have a good converfation without k. a. Bydenyingourowne wifedome, Let him that wouldbe wife become afoole that bemaybe made 'rift. a. By Prayer, lam. i.5. ifany lacke wifedome, let him takeit of Geol. 3. By numbring our dayes, Pfal. 9o. 12. Lad teach us tonum. ber our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wiftdomee. 4. By obferving thevanity ofall things,Eeclef. r. a. 5. By frequentingthe companyof thewife, for ashe that con - forteth with fooles, will bring home the foule at the lati, fo a companion of wife men, ¡ball wax wirer, Prov. 14.20. VERSE 16. Redeeming the time, becaufethe Jaye: are evil!. Now followeth the of eetthat teftifiethof wifcdome,amphifiedby a reafon : thedied is this, Redeemingthe tine:the reafon, for thedales are evil!. Now Z. 3° 4. 5 Yfei.