62,4. { Ephefians, Giap. 5. V E R.16, Mat6.34. DaEi. EfayfS 7 Now, firft, to open the word : this word [time] is ufed indiffcrent- lyao note time in common, or molt properly it is ufed for the oppor- tunirie : now here take it in the latter fence : But opportunirie is gcne- rall,or particular; the whole courfe of our lives till the it houre be paft, is an opportunirieof working through our Salvation : the parti- cular occafions are fuch as God Both offer to this or that particular dude : now both are here to be conceived. 2. What it is to [redeeme the time.] , Anfw. r. To forgoe any thing, which would hinder us from taking the opportunitie.- z. To make it our owne by ufing it, fo that we recompenfe formertinfruitful- neffe, and lay up á good foundation for the time to come; as in buying a thing,firft we pay the price,then take it into our pofí'eífion and ufe, to which this redeeming doth looke. 3.In clearing the reafon,we muff know what is meant by evil! wayes. ,ilnfw. Dayes are fayd [evill] or [good] according to that which befalleth in them, as agood time when matter of commoditie or mer- riment is in hand, an evill time, when the contrary: Now the.,oxra or [evil!] of the day (as Chrift calleth it) is either general, or fpeciall. Generally,the fhortneffe and manifold trouble which doth accom- pany the timeof our life : Particularly, when any fpeciall evills rake place, as this mutt be underftood, becaufe it is fpokcn with ancmi. nencie of thofe times. Now it is apparentthat theevill flood in thefe three things : r. Tares of f lfe doeìrine, begun and ready to increafe. z. In flagitious lives, fuch as Simons fchoole was. 3. In perfecutions, which were readie to grow hotter and hotter. The fimme then of the verle is this : " See that all the time of "your life and all particular occafions be carefully laidholdof " byyou, to work out your fslvation,for the times growmore " and more dangerous and tickle, that there is great reafon to " take time while it lafieth. Two things ere then here laiddowne : i. That all our time and every particular eccafion mull beta- ken up to glorifie God, and worke out our S.lvatior'. 2. That the more eviilsof all forts Lefall our times, the more diligent wemutt be tooccupie our felves well while the ocdafion lafteth. t. Of the former: the Scripturecloth atke us to bee carefull that our whole time (one day as well as another, yea every home, of the day) be redeemed as theApofilehere exhorretb, Het. 3. r 3. Luke r. 74, 75. I Pet.I.17. I Pet. 4.2. Alt. 24. 16. Aft. a6. 7. So likcwife the Lord doth charge us to take the occafion : Seeks him while he may it found. Whileyou have opportunity to give aimes, give them, Galat. 6. While it` is called to dày, Heb. 3. Whilethe light is withyou, loh. r2.45. Prayin all opportunity; for fo time is there tobe taken : and thus C!uüi redeemedtheopportunitie,hh. 4. he (though wearie) was not carefull of