VEre..c; Epbefiani, Chap; 5. 627 wherefore, that is,to theend you may walke circumfpeétly,and that the rather feting the difficultiesof the times do call us to it, let us not br'Withoat einderflandisg, that is, ignorant ofthe will ofGod, manife- fled in his works and word. But let us know with relijhing ofit (as fweet toour foules ) what is the pleaffre ofGod, which the evilsof the rimes doreflifle, which his word doth nianifefl, that we might walke . after it, In the next verfe the Apoftle layette down a new precept, which removeth an impediment that would hinder from wifdome and underfianding, Be net drunke Withwine, for he that erreth in wine is nor wife, it taketh away the heart, knowledge bath temperancie, as a helpe, joyned with it : The precept is propounded with therea. fon ofit, and amplified by the contrary : Bee not drunk with wine in whichit excefe ; that is, which is a fruite, or which bath accompany- ingof it all prodigality and riot ; for this word fignifieth luxuriouf netreorriot, (hut change isno robbery: ) Ifyou will fill your felves, fillyour felves with the Spirit, which is amplified from three means ofit: 1. vfeofPfalrrìes; 2. Thankfgiving; 3. Deckingourfelves with lowlineffe ofminder Now then in this 17. verfe marke three things. 1. That he faith wherefore; viz, that ye may walke circumfpeetly, knew the willofGod; hence obferve, What Way be the marke we mull(hoot at in feking knowledge,vi . that we may carryour whole courteoflife accordingly; we mull leek to know that we havedire lion inour works daily, Efay 2.3. God teacheth hitway es that wf mightwalke in them : Teachme thy j!atetes, Iwill keep themwithmy wholeheart. i have bid thy word inmy heart, that Imight notfnne againfl thee. For the effeet ofknowledge is hurtfull,if it be notobeyed,it caúfeth men tobe juflly beaten with many ftripes. Againe, the word is not given that it might refolve queflions fo much, as that it might be a lanthorne to surfeeee, Aidalight toour path. Pfal.119.105. Wherefore this doth reprove fuch asdoe not crime to learnt with this purpofe that they might know how to work daily, as many come in this kinde : forhence it is thatafceticall Sermons which are concer- ning the Chriftian exercife are not in that requeft ; whereas if our hearts were fet towalkearight, they wouldbe molt welcome. Againe, is Many tare fornothing,but increafing their fpeculation; z.Others that they may knowing be able tohold argument and jangle aboutqueflions. 3. That they may cenfute and maleperdy quippe better then themfelves. It doth ferve for a groundof exhortation that in all our feeking to know,werefolveour hearts to obeyand bring intopraétife thatwhich (hall be madeknown to us, as Corseliuá : for what thould men doe buying fconcesor linkes, if they meant to walke ftuwbling alone in the darkneffe ofthe night, notto makeufe ofthem ! So what fhould we get into our underftanding this torchof theWord, if Weemean not Pct.4,;; Verte :8, if`eafen i; Luke :2.47.