62,8 PGIai9.6 Däi, Y.P.. Doll. Pfa1.119., ;o. Vie I. Ephefians, Chap. 5. V. E R.17. not toufe it, but walke fill in the darkneffe and vanity ofour owne understanding : Letus inall things labourto fee this Lanthornebefore us, and then we(hallnot be confounded, when wehave refpell unto a/1 his Commandements. 2. We fee for the matter ofthe verfe : a. That it is all or duties to labour to put of thatfolly whichHill rs boundin our hearts : for this folly is but in parr purged out, in great meafurewe lack underflanding hearts, Deut.29.4. Now it doth thew it felfe inthis ; r. That it will not letus remember the thingsthat God bathdone for us,to take benefit by them, it putteth out the eye behinde us. Deut.32.6,7. a. It will not fetus takedeeply toheart the things prefent, whe- ther mercies or otherwife ; if a wife man laugh on a foole , nothing will Fnke with him, Pray.29.9. And for thehandof God chaftening us, the follyof our hearts will bid usnot take itgrievoufly, but fhoote off the fenfe ofit, as the rock doth waters; for a foolish heart loveth not the houle of mourning; wherein our foolifhneffe is like to theirs that will takenothing which fhould make them Fick, though it would heale them: So it will not let us forefee and feare for the time to come : vs foole cannot beadmoni/hed , a foole runneth on and u beaten. Thebeaft and Fowles better then we ; Inwine is the net ppread, if the fewle fie it ; and a borfe will bogie where he bath beene foyled ; but we like foolea eeafenot to reiteratefolly , and fo like dogs return to our vomit : Andthus folly hindcreth usfrom feeing powerfully what Godby calamitiesandother experiences doth call us to. 3. Folly doth keep us from knowing, or at frail from affebting the willofGod whichwe know ; as a foule, though you may make him repeat a wife faying after you, yet it will never relifh in his foolish un. dertlanding, aswifdome : So it is folly that will not let us admire and finde fweet.to our foules, as honey to the tafte, that which is the wif- dome ofGod in his Word. Whereforefeeingwe are thus full offolly, for who forgetteth not things of ufe a 2. Whole heart can take griefeat jufl occafion of griefe! 3. Whodoth takewarning,and not run his finger againe and againe into the fame fire r Who findethnot that there is want of ra- fting and admiring the wifdome ofGod which he knowethf Let us thereforefee it and hold that healing word, Efay 32.4. The heart ofthe foals fñfhal underflandknowledge, and the tongue oftheflammerersfhaü be ready to /peakeplainly. 3. We fee from this verfe, What it is that can make ue truly wife inall our wages, viz. the effelïuall knowing and obeying of Gods word, Deut.4.6. Keep theft words anddo them,for this is yourwi fdome,andyour underflanding. What wifdome can be in them that have left the Law of their God? This is one commendation of Gods word, that the entrance into it givethwifdome to the f mple. Wherefore we muff not be deceived , and too much admire any wifdome