V E R. IS. Epbefans,Chap. . 6z9 wifdomeofworldly ones, falfely called wifdome : not deepe rea: ches, not craft, not profoundneffc in this or that knowledge, which maketh wife , but knowingand obeying the will of God. True it is that others that take another way are wafer in their generation ; but this is not becaufetheirs is greater wifdom,but beçaufe we keepnot our felves fo to our rule,but often foolifhly fwerve from it,elfe Achitayheis wifdotpe fhould be infatuate andprove foolifhneffe , in comparifon ofthat which is in obferving the Commandements. It lettethus fee what we mutt doe ifwe will bewife, take our di I; reáíon from the Word. For looke as a fool; ifhe will doea wife acti- on, mufffollow better heads thenhis owne: So we foolifh, in regard ofall true wifdome, mutt follow thecounfell of the ónely wife God, before wecandoe any thing in wifdome. Let us therefore deny our felves,ourowne wifdome, and yeild our felves in all things to Gods direâion, that we maybewife. VE ESE I8. vtnd be not dranke with wine wherein is excefje : bat VERSE à S. befilledwith the Spirit. Nowfolloweth the next precept ; Be not dranke with wine. For the openingof the Precept; a. It doth intimate that there is a lawfull ufe of wine for health and ftrength, r 7isn.y. Eccleft o. z. For delight, for it istheend gfor whichGoddid create it. 3. To fatiate and content the deliireofnature: For it isa piece of the curie, todrink andnot be fatisficd : but this precept fprbiddeth all excefve or inordinate,either affecting, or ufing of wine, or any drink intoxicating : For drunkenneffe is not only fuchas takethaway theufe ofreafon, the feete, takingofwine to vomit, to fickneffe, they made the Kingfick withflagons, but all excefliveufe is focalIed,diinking to inflammation, Elay y. So all inordinate aWeting or ufing: For as there is an inward gluttony, when the thoughtsrun upon the diet on ly, and a mancheweth the cud before he get bis meat : So when the thoughts and affeEtions are carried inordinately toward thecup, it is a kinde ofinward drunkenneffe , when a mans lips are alwayes hanging after fuch lettïce, his heart is drunken , 'though bee fitterh in pri- vate : So all inordinate ufingof it, either in hunting after it, in doting upon thequality of drinkcs,or in taking it unfeafonably, or in drinking for goffipping , for company : they arc all to be conceivedas degrees and occafions forbidden. Theufe of this is to rebuke the liquid livesofmany that donothing V ><. but follow the butterie, in running to feeke their delight , fuch whofe thoughts havenoother objet#. It doth teachusour dutie, evento keepe our felves unfpotted this way, and to labour to get out, if wee be intangled : And for to helpe Init, I will fet dowse : r. Some confiderations 2. Some rules ofprattife. It is good to confider how it is adeceit that doth deludetis; for it g: Iii promifcth