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3 DeEL. Ephefia,a, Chapo5. V E R. 18, promifeth us pleafure, but dothnot performeit : What pleafure is that which leaveth fobitter a tang the after headache,the crudities which followaremore irkfome,then the drink was delightful', the end of it ftingeth like a Cockatrice. Confider the tyranny of it, this inordinate lulling, it Both neverreft fatisfied, ferve it once, it will call againe and againe , and if it be not followed to the end, refteth as much difpleafed, as if it had at the firfi beene denied, yea itgiveth no reft to the thought,but when the miede wouldbe fequeftrcd for other purpole , then will thefe matters bee running in it, a bondage worfe then the Egyptian. Confider what a fearfull thing it is to have fuch an inordinate lu- fling, Numb.r r. When the cup is in thy hand, ferve left the wrath of God go with it, as it is faid, While the meat was in their mouthes, the wrath of God came upon them. Laftly, confider how it excludeth from heaven. The Rules of Praólice are likewife foure. r. Avoid the companiesofthem make fuchyouths,as like Beadles call fuch curled Congregations, and avoid them. z, Thinke how fweetly thou goeft on when thou doeft keepe the bonds offobriety, and compaffe as you are able fuch a portion (in the due feafons) which may give content. For we muft not fight againft inordinate appetite todrink and meare, as againft fornication, that muft be fled from altogether,that cannot be made good in any degree; butthis mull have the exeeffe reformed, with our libertie referved, left we doe fight with tooheaviearmour : Convenient food in thefro- tons, isa good help againft exorbitant appetite, as our own fountaines are remedies againft unlawful' luftings. 3. It is good to weane our felves fomething in that we maydoe : He that will frill doeall hemay, will at length doe that he may not: And if we have beene impotently affcled toa thing, labour like Da- vid, when thou haft it now in thy power, to refrains ir, 2 Sam. 23. though but for one rime : Little things will flefh us to further viélo- ries; and tobreak agues from their times in comming, is tome good token that theywill he removed. 4. A Vow. We rather then f'i'l to be infnared by wine, or this and that circumftantiall matter, may by vowbinde ourPelves to be abftinent. I havefivorne to keeps thy Comn:andemente. But this mull be done with great difcretion, left it proveas unfit for us as Saals armour was for David. Now followeth the reafon; Inwhich is exceyè, that is, which bath all kinde ofriot and lafcivioufneffe going with it. Obferve then That elrrmken courfes areaccompaniedwith a prodigalityandfitthine(f-e. When mengrow into drinke, they are lavithevery way, their tongues have a double doore opened to them, fuperfluous fpcecha daughter of drunkenneffe. Their affections are as exceflive , then no difference betwixt mirthand madnefi'e : then Ifthehumour fo worke, they will weepein kindtieffe. Their aE1ion riotous ; then come call inmore, tome-