IVE K.18. Ephefians,Chap. 5. I 63= fomcthing that may provoke and be a fpuire,then they will vomit,that they maydrink, and drink that they May vomit; the Tobacco, that theymay be fit foracup, cups for Tobacco ; then minftrelizing, ga- ming; what not that is riotous e And for uncleanne(%,, no villanyof Prov. =3.3=, that nature that winewarmesnot ; that this vice may well,be called a 33' Hydra, a capitali one, that hatha brood with it worfe then himfelfe. Abftinency is tovice as fatting fpittle to Serpents, the baneof it : this drunkenneffe is a fruitfull parent ofwickedneffe. Irfareth with thefe inundationsofdrink, as in land floods, they bring often (tore offilth where they overflow; So thefe do bring all kinds of filthineffc into thefoule that is drowned in them. Which fhould caufe ns todetect that which is fo fearfully accompa- rf nied, and leaveofffuch cup.fhot converfationas will let intoour foules all kinde ofwickedneffe. Now that we might the more eafily doe it, the Apoftle doth (hew usand invite us to abetter bever,Even to befilled with theSpirit ofgod. Where two things are to be marked, i. That there two thingsftandnot together, a drunken courfe oflife, Doll. and the f irisofgrace. The f pint may be in one that thróugh infirmitydoth flip, like Noah, into it, but one that Bothdelight in followinga tipfiecourfeoflife, he that affetteth this,grace isfarre from him; howcan the Spirit ofGod dwell in fuch a perfon as maketh his belly his Godt It is impoffrble till that bereverfed. that nonecan rime two r.2lefiers. Again; till we get union with Chrift, there is no communion withthe Spirit. But he thatputteth on Cbrift mutt caft off thecare ofpleating the flail in the finfull defiresofit, Rom.r 3, Naywine doth cake away, the heart, it doth not onelybereave a manofgrace, but of éommonnatu- tall abilities andendowments. Wherefore let us not deceive our fclves that are haunted in this rfeò way, thefpirit ofthe butteryand Gods Spirit, have no agreement: this inordinate drinking is aswater to fire, it quencheth grace , nay if this were all, the matter were not fo haynous, but it maketh one unfit for the reachingofthe Spirit ; Efay 28.9. WhomJhould 1 teach know- ledge, &c. foras theearth gluttedwith raine, is unfit for tillage : fo a miede fowced in this voluptuous Conde, is unfit forthe tillage and husbandryof God. . z. It istobe marked, how he doth not fay , Sippe lightly , but be filledwith the spirit; which dothteach us, That we mull not content our Dolt. re ves with a little, bat mufi endeavour to afulneffe ofgrace ; that it may bePaid ofus that is faidof theRomans, they were fullofgrace, know- ledge, ofaligoodneffe. Weare here the molt confcionable , if wee put our,lrps to this cup, we havedone,, but we mutt labour to drinkdee- pelt ofthis above all other, for thefe are flaggonswhich will not hurt us, and fweeter then any other. Againe, the Lord doth inviteus to to thefe waters of the Spirit, ¡oh.7.3j. . Wherefore it doth rebuke us that have qúickly, done, and thinke r [e. I i i z every