0'32 VERSE I5. Pfalme what. Hymn what. Ephefian.r Chap.5. VER.19, every thing enough in grace ; we love abundance in other matters, we love perfeetion in our trades, but to grow up toperfe ¿lion in the trade ofa Chriflian, we regard nor. And it mull move us Hill to feeke more and more to be filled : They are the bet} Chriftians that confi- der. Oh how little feare have they of Ged, that can heart his threat - nings andnot be afrighted ! How little love to him, thatcan fo hard- ly forgoe any degree oftheir corruptions for him . How little joy, thatthough they canlaugh at thingsof nomoment , and joy in trifles, yet their hearts are like ffones, where the things of the Gofpell are piped a How little hope, whocanheare ofhis comming, and nevar once looks afterhim e We muffhunger, andfill by faith be drawing this fpirituall learning from thefe drunkards, how will they fill their skinwith fwillin comparifon, and draffee How will they take it dif- courteoufly iftheir draughts be broken t So fhoald wee in this wine ofthe Spirit,the rather becaufeChrift doth here, and toh.7. ?7, invite us. Wifdome hathmingled her wines, andcryeth,come, &c. Prov.8. Nowmen would not indure it ifone without reafon lhould nor accept oftheirkindnefl'e. Ifthe drunkard would but tafle this , hee would quickly leave his tap ; this is fo fwcet : when the woman of Samaria heard ofthewaterof life, fhe left herpitcher, and followed that. V E R S E r9. Speaking to your [elves in Pfalmes, andHymnes , and /,irituall Sons , firging and making melody in your heart to the Lord. Now followeth the meanes. a. Is recommended theexercife of Pfalmes. 2. Thankfgiving.verf.zo. 3. Lowlineffc. verfar. j. The exercife is laid downe; s. As it ferveth for our inftruetion. 2. As it refpeeteth Gods glory. In which the true manner of tinging is determined, filch as is our mutual! edification, and fuch as maketh for Gods glory. Now for the words,three things ferve tocleare them. I. Whatthis is, fpeakingtoyour filves ? vinfiu. Not fpeaking in- wardly, fo as none but God and our (elves know what wee fpeake, r Corex4.19. but fpeaking,that by voice others may un- deriand : for this phrafe in the plurali number noreth a mu- tual! and interchangeableaffeetion, and Col.3. s 6. he biddeth them inffrull andadmonifhone another : the general! word here put for thole particular. 2. It may be asked, What is the difference betwixt thefe wordse 1nfw. Some take it from the matter of them,fome from theman- ner; that of thematter will not hold : for a Pfalme and Song are of a like concent and Art : the difference is, that a Pfalme noteth adittie, which bath inftrumentall muficke, going with ir, or beginning to it. So [mizmar] the nature of theword doth lead to it. 2. [rp -]doth lignifie adittie,for the matter ofpraife,butit noreth no