V is R.19. .Ephefans, Chap.S. nocircumftance ofdelivering it , but leaveth it indifferent, whether faid liimply, Tung, or played. 3. A Song is that which is ofany matter, but is delivered invocali mufique,is lung forth with the voyce, at the leaft hatlì the voyce firft beginning it; which is to be marked, becaufe in the Pfalmes the fame Pfalme is fometime calleda Pfalme and Song, fometimea Song and Pfalme, becaufe in the one inftrumentall mufick did begin , in the other vocali, though both voice and inftrument went together in the whole. 3. It is asked, what is a fpirituall Song ? Anfat.It is put in by way ofdiftinCtion,oppofite to thefenfuall fongs which prophane riotous perfonsare delighted in Now therearetwo kinds, the one extraordinary , fuch as the Spirit of God did immedi- ately fuggeft. 2. Ordinary, fuch asmen by benefit of memory could fay out ofthe Scripture, or frameoftheinfelves conformable thereto, and both thefe kindes are here meant. The fumme ofthe verle given, the inftru&ions follow. r. Wefee in generali ; that the exercifeofPfalmes is a meant of en- creafangin us the Spirit : ifwe be joyfull,they increafe joy, lam. 5.13. Is anymerry? let him fang Pfalmes. Ifheavie,they refrefhus; Paul and Silasfang a Pfalme at midnight : the fulneffeof the Spirit in that ex- cellent man David went with this helpe, as we may gatherfrom that in theZ Sam. az. i. that he is Lid the pleafant finger ofIfrael. Looke as on the contrary, the devils fong is ofgreat force to fill withwic- kednefl'e,for we may fee force upon fomewanton Sonnets,filledwith a fpirit ofwantonneffes fo Gods Song is ofgreat force to makeus be filled of his goodSpirit. It commeth from the Spirit, and maketh the Spirit take encreafe in us; the treeofgrace taketh increafe by the fruite it beareth. Wherefore this fhould flirre us up to frequent thisduty, not onely joyning in the Church,but in our chambers.Theywere wont at their feafls, before they gave their latter thankes, to havea fpirituall Song by chofethat were able among them, (fuch a fong beingto a fupper as a precious lone fet in a goldenring) faith rertullian. Theywere wont that theplowman,the vine-dreffer, the reapers,they would following their workes,frng the Pfalmes ofDavid. Palms were wont to call upon Parents ro teach their children Pfalmes. The children in the Churchof the ¡ewescould ling underftandingly, Hofanna, bleffed is he that commeth in thename ofthe Lord. Wewhoare ofgreat fufficiencie to be thus exercifed,through the courfe oftheyeare fingnot aPfalme inprivate, which maketh us towalke with leane fpirits; amongft ma- ny other things, this want is not the heal. 2. We fee in the verle thefe twothings laiddowne. r . That all ourup ofPfalmesmuff befachas may edifie us , whether it be privare, orpublique Pfalmes, it muff inLtru&and admonifh, and fo edifie us inour holy faith. If Godwill have our private talke , chap.4. minif er grace one to another, howmnch more our private fervices of Iii 3 him! Spiritual, $ongs what. Yp. Dea.