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636_I Ephefians, Chap. 5. V E R.zo. ansmet totheir 4ntelucanos Cantle. Yea after the order of lingers was received, it is a canvafe whether the people did not fingwith «them, though theyled , and fitting in a higher place, gave direCti. tt on ; but at length men ordered came to fing onely ; and that at the firft joyntly : After theycameto refponforie Fong, one halfeof the «tZuire fingingone while,the other another; and lait ofall inftrumen- «tall mufick was entertained by the Church. « z. S.Pauls mftflek mullgivemule inflrutiion. Where then is the u LatinFong e «3. Churchmufck muff not be onely vocal[, but interned from the « heart;whichwe urge not,as they flander,to take away thevoyce,but «the unknowne language. 1c4. TheApofle his Songs muffbe fplrituall,outof theWord, Col. .t 3. r 6. they haveHymnes containing matter not grounded in the Word. "5. The Churchandhou/i Pfalmes muß be fung to God, they have u Mimes to S.Peter, S.Paul,&c, VER S E 20. Giving thanks alwayes for all things unto God,and the Father,in thename ofour Lordlefro Chrifl. Now followeth thefecond meane, Giving thanks. In the verfe be - fide the perfonto whom and in whom, (whichoften meet us) marke two things. t. That than/of-givingprocureth increafeofGodsgraciousSpirit. a. That we arein all things,in daily little things as well as ingreat, in evill as well as good, to give thanks. For the firit, Nothing cloth more make God billow bleßings on us then thepraifing ofhiminthings hehath be/lowed. Letyour reyuefisbeknowne with thankfgiving ; What followeth e Gods peace 'hall keep your hearts andminds in Chrifl refire. It is trueofprayer, but fpecially of thankfgiving ; It is the key ofHeaven , it unlocketh the treafuriesof God; up goeth thanks, downe commeth bleffing : In outward things thankfulneffe procureth encreafe,Prov.3.g,ro. ofer to God the firf$ fruits ofe/oflibfiance, there is thankfulneffe, andthy harmsfhalbefiled, aria ti.' r vrrffesThal burfi out with newWine, there is an increafe : Un- thankfa neffemaketh God ftrip us ofthat we have, Hof. a. 8, g. For God (that wifehusbandman of the Church) he doth as husbandman, who there calk their feed plentifully, where they know theground is good, and will give it themwith advantage. Thistherefore mutt rebuke our backwardneffe to thanks;Whichof ushave not beene in fome ffrails , which we thought we fhould never have forgotten!' but eaten bread is Toone out of remembrance. How many are like Swine that Bate the matt , but looke not up e likeAffe colts, that when they are filled, kick the dammee And in fpirituall things,wegoe not fo fárreasthat Pharifee, who laid, /thank thee lam notthus andthus. But here we are our owne foes. wee doe Phut Gods hand againft us, that we goc with leane foules , becauf bee bath not praifcin that whichhe bath done for us in his Chrift. For riivres cwie- Qav, xonp, Cbry/bft. Seeehe 2.9. DLit. Grat. VERS: 20. Doff. Phi1.4.6. Yfè. Luke 18.xs. a