IV E R.21, Epl.teanr, Chap. 5. 37 For the fecond theScripture teachtthus, that we mug in all things, Deli, little,great,evill, good,have thankfull hearts. t Thef. 5. t8. In allthings give thanks. So accordingly fob bleffedGod whenhe had takenall away, even in thefires, Efay 24.15. In all Davids perfecution, which was heavie, yet fo farre as God was theworkerof it, David did praife him, and moft thankfully entertaine it. If theLord havefurredthee up c againfi me, let himaccept an offering, let him receive from me anoffe- ring oforaife and thanfgiving; we doe thank the Phyfitianas wellfor his fi..potion, as for his reforatives; nay more, when we have found recovery by them. Which dothconvince many ofus,Howmany ofus arefrom duty pre. though we have wordsofcourfe when all goeth well, yet if we be a little touched,we are ready to prove the devils words true, wee curie God tohis face. We are like untamedMules, full of grudging; take heed, murmure not as forceofthem did and were deftroyed,but pray for hearts which may praife God from the nether hell : r.This is glo- riousto God; a.This will cafe all thy fmart; Give thanks,and thepeace ofGodwhichpagith all underflanding, Jballpreferve thy heart and minele to Chrifi. 3. T nis maketh the Devil( retire confounded. VERSE 21. Submitting your [eelves one to another in thefeareof Vsnsè ar Gad. Laftly in generali, Humility is theway to killedwith grace. sleffed Doll; are the poore infpirit. The hungry l'e ftlletb withgood things. God gi- Mat.s.r verbgrace tothe humble. He letteth them finde favour inhis eyes. If Luke ..qg; one would drink, ofa fountain his fill, hce mull floope downe to T Per.5.5. it : and ofall grounds, the vallies are filled with fruit,,they have the fat dewes and moyflenings lying on them,thither it tommeth, there it continueth. Thus much in generali. The verfe layeth downe two things. t. The thing which is tobe done, Submit,&c. z. Themanner, or ground, in the feare ofthe Lard. For that [Submit] doth not teach inferiours their durieto fuperi- ours, but it commandeth fuch a fubmiffion as all owe interchangeably one to another. r Pet.5.5. The Apoftle maketh this generals fubmif- on toextend it fclfe as farre as decking our felves withhumility : The thinghere laid downeis this, viz. that the higheft nTuft fhew fubmif- fton toward the loweft. Now the thing here required ftandeth efpe- cially in two things : r. That wee are to conceive of our felves in comparifon of others. 2. In that which we are todoe to.our inferiours. The firft islaid downe in that rule,Phil.z. z.Inlowlineffeofwinde let eachefleeme other better then themJelves. How canPaul trulypratïifc this rule, thinke and fay,be is sheleapa .9.10 Saints ? IIee may. . f r. Ifheconfider hiiufelfe as of himfelfe, and others in regard of