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638 Ephefians, Chap. 5. V E R.21. oftliing'sthey havefrom God. s' Ifone confider themfclves as lacking fomething that the meaneft may have. 3. In confiderarion of fome circumftance, as what others would doe if the likegrace were !hewed them, or what no. torious fin I have committed fometime, which others have beenekept from. 4. According to that which a Saint feeleth, and which God difcovereth to him, for hecannot fee that fpirituall wicked. neffe in any that he findeth in himfelfe. The fecond thing is the duties offubmiffion, which one muff pra- &ife toanother. r. Thefuperiöur mutt hanour the inferiour, as well as receive honourfrom him, Rom. I a, ao. as the rich mutt thinke,that thepoore are exalted of God, theMatter mutt think of his fervant, as Gods freeman. 2. Theymufffearethem, hand in awe to doe any thing which might open their mouths, lob. 31.34. 3. Theymuff ferve them,and fometimerather deny their own snindsthen not pleafe theirinferiours : For what is any pre- .- eminence, it is a more honourable fervice, and for that vo- luntary laying downe ourfelves toward any that are weake in thingsindifferent, the Apoftle fetteth it downe, I cor.9. á9. Tbough Ibefreefrom affmen, yet have I made my fe1fe fer- vant untoall, that 1mightgaiite themore, r. Cor. to.33. 4. Laftly,they, mutt thew fubinißïon in hearing their grievan- ces, lob 31.13. IfIdiddef»fethecaufe ofmy man-jervant,or e+fmy maid.fervant,when they contendedwithme. Thus all of usare to thew fubmiftion one toanother. Now ifwe layour felves to thefe things, we ¡hall fee how farre we arefron* ourduties : For we nourith fwolne conceits ofour felves;we think ita credit to take uponus , and lift our felves above thole to whom, as fathers, we owe fubmillion. So what a deale ofhigh con- tempt isthere in many a heart towards înfcriours t And for making our felves their fervants, denyingour owne minde , we will nor bate an ace,but doe what we thinke we may ; Why, if he be offended, be may thanke himfelfe ; I hope I have libertie, I takenot myy felfe bound thusand thus. So for hearing, men are like Nabals, thetext faith, his Men durft notfpeake to him, hewas fo froward : thus being with cbildeofour delves, and the love of our felves, we arefwoln fo big that there is no roome for the Spirit toenter inus. 2. Obferve,What thefeareofGod doth, it maketh ¡ubmile, and all true fubmitüon mutt flow hence : Looke lob31.14. Gen.s o.19. The ofGod is the hammer ofpride; the wingof pride is cur where this dwellcth. And it ferveth fortwo things: Itlettcthus feethat there is little feare of God inmen,there is filth fanali fubmiflion, fuch a matte ofpride andkiflove : if thoudefpifelt thyI