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V E R. 2.2. Ephefians, Chapa.. thy inferior, thou art full of contempt, Prov. 17. 5. devoyd of the feare of the Almighty. This doth fhew us that our common fubmiffion of curtefie, is not 2: all God rcquireth, we have formall phrafes, At your command;Yourfer- vant; Remember my duty, &c. but like the Spanifh curtefie, which will kiffe thehand they would cut off; it is not forconfcience fake in Gods feare, but meere hypocrite, and a counterfeit femblance of that re- verence which is not in us. VERSE 2 z. Wives fubmit your (elves to your husbands .es unto the VEa .0 2 2. Lord. Now the Apoftlecommeth tothe particular precepts which con- cerne not all perfons, but thofe that have a refpect or reference, fuch as is here named. Now thefe precepts are concerning a threefold rank or order of Authorityand fubjeäion. (Man r. Themoft ancient . and (Wife. (Father Itothe t o'5 verle of the 2. The{ and ¡ 6t6 Chapter. ((Children. Maftcr 3. The and S_rvant: For thefe doe the one beget the other : touching the firft, he layeth downe the dutyof the wife in three verfcs. Of the husband in the refs of this chapter. The firft is laiddowne and enforced with a reafon. This verle hath three things tobe marked. a. What is required at thehands of wives, Subjechion. a. Towhom, toyourHusbands. 3. Inwhat manner, as to the Lord. Which phrafe doth not make a comparifon, but doth film the manner of obedience, that it be not outward, but of confcience, as who in obeying muff remember they have todeale withGod, not with man, thus in the S. and 6. verfes, of the next chapter, this phrafe is taken. Wives, be fubmiffe and dutiful', not where you doe not owe it, but at home, not with counterfeit femblances, but as having confci, ence,thatyou have to deale with God, whofe ordinance this is that women fhould live in fubje&ion to men. a. Then we fee, that women doe ewe Jnbmifsien, and fo they doe as Dolt. taught by nature it felfe, which bath made them the weaker veffells, and bound to it by their owne voluntary covenant , as well as byGods ordinance. Butto open this dulie, we mutt confider what this fub Wherein the miffiondothlyein. c,infr. ifuóo,icta.of I. In Reverence. ! a wife dori. 2. In Obedience. tta °d° is Reverence is inward, viT.the fearing them, but of ,this in t e Ì