6.4.i Epheflans, Chap,S. V ER. z.. not as the isa wife onely, but as the is awoman, 1 Cor.11.3. the wo- mannot governing in publique, not teaching in Church , not other- wife ufurptng authority over man, thoughwe muff underftand with exception, unleffe God doimmediately or mediatelycall a Huldahor .Anna to prophecie, raife upa Deborah to be a motherand comman- der above his people : Nowmuchmore is man a head over her that is his wife: he fhouldhave beene the head if fin hadnever entred, and fnce the yoake isjuflly aggravated. Looke as the head is in the body, Chrift inthe Church : fo is man in the family , hee is the higheft in eminencie above the other, man is the image ofGod, that is, inregard ofgovernment, the woman is not. 2. In regard ofperfeEtion , the woman is theweakervefl'ell. 3. In regard of influence , for all her authority commeth from him, and therefore the is Paid to behis image andglory. Yje t: Wherefore this fhould perfwade women tobe fubjeEt;W hat a con. fufion isthat,where the heeles areupward, and the head downward! fuch it is, where the woman taketh upon her, and the man looketh on. a. And this fhould perfwadethem toufe their husbandswell, though theywere bad heads : Ifour headsake, we doe not beate them and difturbe them , but ufe them foas theymay bee better : fo our huf- bands though ill, gentle ufing will quiet them and make themmore tolerable. Dour. s. We fee, That though Godmake man a head, yet hemull be alaving head, he bath authority, but fuchas isfor the good, not the hurt ofthe partiefubjeeted : agood wifedoth her husbandgood, not evill : fo a goodhusband muff doe his wifegood, he bath power for this, but none fromGod to hurt her. But to fee how man refembleth Chrift inthis, wee mayknow that Chrift isaPaving head infoure regards: r. Redemption. 2. Proteótion. 3. Provifion; for the Churchand every member>is fúrnithed by him. 4. Dire6tion ; for by his Spirit he doth leade herthrough this wilderneffe. is So ahusband is bound to refcue his wife,if in jeopardic,feeDa- vidrcafe when ziglag was fpoyled. 2. Againe, a man giveth Co- verture, no aEtion is brought againff the wife , the man is to anfwer, the goeth under Covert baron. 3. Man is to provide, He that provi- dethnot for houfe, &c. 4. To direst her by life and word in all her wayes : fo that this confideration, that mans power is for thegoodof the wife, doth more effelually perfwade obedience to it ; Howcan the makeabettermarket . Thee givethfubmiffion, receiveth fourcfor one. Y. This admonitheth men, how they are notfo much to thinke they are heads like Chrift, as that they muff be prefervers wholly for the good ofthem, as Chrift is for the Church: many doe quite contrarie, undoe thewife and children, make the molt ofthem, turne them beg - ging