ging,inftead ofdircl ingthem, they leduceand pervertthem, provoke them, it is no wonder ifthey complaine of wives,when them felves are fofoolifh; how fhould the body be well in frame, ifthe head be light and diftempercd! Let us take heed of continuing fuch difobedience : looke not what others doe,thinkenot what thy felfe bringeft in: Ifmy husband werethus and thus; liften not to ill counfell , the Alpe bor- roweth poyfonfrom the Hedge hog. V En. sE 24. Thereforeas theChurch is in fubjellion to Chrifi, even VERS. 24o fi let thewives be to theirhusbands in every thing. We fee, That womenmull not onely obey ,hut inall goodmanner thew Dotá. z. their obedience, as the Church,and P fat. r t o. Now the Church for the mannerof her obedience, it is in foure things. T. It is willing. 2. Conftant. 3. With feare and reverence, Heb.ra. 4. It is in all things. Which doth meet with the corruptionofmany, that obey, but it is filch a patience perforce, do a thing as Zipporab circumcifed the child, with fuch grudging termes thatthey marre the thing they doe in the making. Again,many they will now bee ingood mood,but fickof the fullens prefently and not do any thing. Againe,fomethings they will doe, hut if it pleafe them not the better, theyare heavieofhearing, th ugh the husband call twice, they will turne a deafe care to it. VERSE a5. Hu:bands loveyour wives , even ,ta Chrifl lovedthe VERSE2f. Church, andgave himfelfofor it. Now the dutie of the Husband is laid downe to the lait verfe, in whichboth their duties are included, andconclude thematter. Now this verfe laveth downe three things. r. What is asked of men. a. To whom. 3.Inwhat manner;asChrift hath loved hisChurch:whichlove is amplified by the effeit of it;theeffcEt enlarged by the end. a. Smäification, which is fct downe by the authorand in- ftrument. a. Glorification. The firft teacheth us, That husbands are tobe loving, Col. 3. for as DoU:_ the fpirit ofa woman derraEteth the yoake ; fo a mans fpiritlufteth af- ter a leffe liberali fubjeEtion,and is ready to turne his preeminence into tyrannie, and tolayhold on Wives be fobjet,as making for him ; for we fooner claime morethen our owne , then bate an ace of thatbe- longs to us. Therefore this IefWon is feafonably taken us forth : it tea. cheth ustwo things. 1. What it is. 2. In what office it doth fhew it felfe. a. Love is a molt intire afre6tion toone woman, awife, as who is g? ven me of God to bee a helper and ornament of mylife, and one p,:rfonwith me to raife a feed to God. It is Inch an affection as doth Kkka tranllate