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IV E n.. 2.5. Epbefanc, Chap. . them that live adulteroufly, that have queanes, concubines, mittref- fcs,and this age is growne flagitious this way. Now younger brethren may breed , elder will live at a higher rate , now change ofpafture makechfat Calves;but Godwill roote outthe uncleaneman. Now the mannerfollowcth[.0 Chrifl: ] in whichmark two things: That it is nor enough todoe the dutiesoflove, but we mull doe them in DA Ï; [richfort as we have Chriji forenfample. Now the manner ofhis love is to be confrdcredin three things. 1. In thechaftitieofit. z. In the fincerity. 3. In the conftancy. Chrift Both fo love hisChurch , that he prifeth all other as a nettle, or a thorne, matched with a Role or Lillie: Againe, he doth not command her theleaft thing which hath a thew ofimpurity. 2. For his fincerity,he doth lovehis Church,not hers,for whenhe made love to her, fhe had neither wealth nor beauty , but was poore, blinde, miferable. 3. And his lovewhere it is once , continueth to the end. Thus Pre; fhould husbands love, t+nt with whorifhaffections , nor in unclean - neffe, but in chaftity and honour, they fhould love the woman for the graceand womanhood, noby- refpects ; theix love mutt continue and grow. And it doth convince the practifcofmoft, who are full of lull , but Yf; have little love,whohavewandring affections,impuredallianccs,who love the wealth more then the woman, whofe love is a while, fo long asthere is wealth to keep it warme , while the honeymoonelafteth: And when the flower is croppedwhich they lulledfor, then it feeth- eth downeasfall as ever it boyled up. Marke hence,That thrill is fuch a Husband as that his love is exem- Dodd, z, plary to all husbands. Whichdothopen a fountains ofmeditation.For as by the comparifon of afathers love , wee marking the loveofpa- rents, doe gather Gods love to us, and howwee like children fhould be affected tohim : fo this earthly refemblance of man and wife is a fpe&acle helpingus to fee fpirituall things in Chrift, and ourduty to- ward him. We may therefore thus ufe it : z. I feeHusbands that are finfull provide for their wives, how much more will Chrift provide forme e a. I fee that husbands Eland betwixt theirwives anddangers; 3. I fee husbands coverand forbeare many things. q. I fee husbandstouched with feeling in their wives griefes , how much more are thefe things inmy Lordtoward me, wheninmen that are finfull they are in force meafure So forus, firft , I fee that a wifewho bath a loving husband , her heart relleth in him; fo mutt mine inChrift : If any action be brought I againft her for force old debts, f iswill fay, the did owe fuch a thing, but her husband hath made himfelfe anfwerable to fuch things : So we ifthe Devil do arreft us, as who are debtorsto thejufticeofGod; Kkk3 we