Doli. Ephefiaru, Chap. 5. V E R.25. we muff fay, it was fo indeed , but fence by faith we gave our hearts to Chrift, heis toanfwer it. So if a womanwill not doubt but the fhall findefavour with her husband, though fix hath made fome little default ; fo we much more while we play not falle , but keepe the loyal] faithofour heart tohim alone. Laftly, if the cancomfort her felfethat her husband dothbears at one endof her burdenwith her, howmuch more muff this refrefhus that we have fuch a husband, as knoweth how to be touched with our infirmities Now he doth Phew this love of Chrift tohis Church from the e1 fed ofit, He gavehimfelfefor her; Obferve then , How thrift as he lo vethnot with the loveofa husband any but his Church ; fo bee pate bimfelfe for any but his Church. Men were wont to give down.: their wives,as Saul had for Micall, and men doe not give dowries. no make joytrturesbut to her they marrie : So the Lords downs is him- felfe, hisjoynture is the kingdomeof Heaven,the one given,the other made fureto none butthe wife ofthe Lamb, Efay 8. Luke r. Mat. r. his people, loh.3. believing ones , ¡oh., 5. his friends, vlíis zo. his Churchredeemed withhis blood. Two things will clears this truth. I. That the Commandement Chriff received from the Father,was nottodoe that which mightbe fufficient, but todoe that which might raife thofe to glorywho were given to him,and this he did according- ly, loh.6. 39. 14.17.4. for their fins werefatisfied, all fpirituall blef- fingsporcured, and the thing prefently and infallibly tobe applied, as if it had beendone already. 2. He that didnot let all come in his prayer , did much felfe let them havepart in his Paffion, now loh.17.9. Chrift didnot pray for the world. Exceptions are made twowayes. objell. Firff, tothe fecond part, he prayed not effeétually, as for his owns, elfeLuke 23.38. and Efay 53.uíí. he prayed for them. t. nfw. r. This is to bemifliked thattheygive Chrift an ineffeéfu- all prayer,contrary to that is teftified,loh.Ih. 22. What ever thou askeft thou received. z. He was heard in that he prayed. 2. The inffances are falfe, for Chrift prayed not for theworld,but for thofe who ignorantly did that which was done, whom bee taw might be converted; and if Chriff hadnot prayedfo gracioufl y,Peters Sermon would not have beene fo fruicfuf l : and in Efay , the fume fioners he died for , the fame tranfgrcffors he prayed for. Againe, Chrifts prayer muff be for them that theymight bee faved ifthey would believe through theirowns free will, or his effedfuall working offaith. Naw the firft werehereticall, thelatter is effeluall. Some except againft the firft part, thus : It followeth not thoughhe prayed not for the world, that is fay they,worldly men while they werethus, thattherereforehe might notoffer for them to theend they might be converted from the world. But here are threeerrors in this anfwer. a. Itmaketh the Sacrificeof largerextent then the Intercefïion. 2. Tr