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V E R.25. ephefians,Chap. 5'. 2. It maketh fuch the world whohad not grace nor faith; whereas itis not the not having of grace, but the not belonging and being preordained ro grace, that maketh ofthe world : for Chrift in this prayer prayeth for thofe that had not faithas yet. 3. It doth infinuateas if the prayer didnot ferve toobtaine conver- fron, aswell as the facrifice; this ground therefore ftandeth lure : And to winde up this matter, let us hold three things. s. That God couldnot be challenged of injuftice ifhe lhould not have given Chrift to redeemeany man,no more then in not giving theAngels a redeemer. a.Thatthe fufferingsofChrift cannot be intended fo largely as 4 the tranfgreffionofAdam,for then Chrift lhould haveoffe- red himfelffor thofe that weredamned in hel remedilefly. 3. That it is onelypurpofed for thofe thatin time were to have a fpiriruall being from &by Chrift,asAdams fin was inten- ded chargeable upon fuch as lhould come byhim, therfore Chrift though in the loynesof Adam, yet becaufe theholy Ghoftdid feparate, fanttiffe and frame thatnature, was not wrapped in theguilt ofAdam, Iah. ro. for my fheepc who fhall heare my voice and know me. Now for the ufe of this truth: Ir doth confute the Germane Di- Yfe. vines and Papifts,whodoemake both that God the Fatherand Chrift indeath did purpofely ayme at the redemption ofall, though few at- mine it: even as a woman hath as fore travaile in bringing forth a deadchild, as one that is living. But thoughweake women that often wantgoodmid wiferie, may have their fruit Rill-borne, farre beeit thatthe Lord ofHofts lhould travaile, and mifcarry in that he goeth with. And it is good tomarke the ground of their error; in the one a dreame ofa univerfall grace; in the other aconceit ofan antecedent will in God,which doth fo defirethe falvation ofall, that he will doe that which is fufficient for all : but Gods whole delight profpered in Chrift, Efey 53.1o. whereas thatconceit would cut the Lord fhort ofa great deale ofhis pleafure. But they objeét, r.Ifitbe true that the damned believingon Chrift lhould have falvation, then he dyed to fave them, for he can fave no more thenhe dyedfor : but you tefifie to the reprobate that if they believe, &c. Anfiv. Theconfequence is naught; the reafon is this, becaufe there is fufficiency in his death to fave a thoufand worlds, though hedid not purpofe any fuch thing: God purpofeth theSun (hall give the benefit of light to nomore then have eyes, yetfuppofe thatall theeyesof the blinde were opened, nay that as many more men were createdand fet on the earth, the fame would give light to them all : fo thefin of t. dam, ifanother world were to come ofhim, were fufficient tocon- demne them too. objelt. 2. The Scripture doth witneffe that Chrift is affected no lefTe toward the obflinate fanners then others, M4t.z3.37. Howoften would 647